Day By Drabble Prompt 9

Jul 23, 2011 21:14

Title: A Journey
Author: Ranguvar27
Prompt: Blue Skies Prompt 9: Road Trip
Fandom: Alice in Wonderland 2010
Characters: Ilosovic Stayne/Iracebeth
Genre: Humor/Angst
Ratings: K+ For Whining
Word Count: 233
Summary: ‘The scenery in the Outlands never changed.’

The scenery in the Outlands never changed. Everywhere Ilosovic looked, he saw the same thing. A dead, blasted landscape with twisted and gnarled trees. The very air was rank and rotten with filth, death, fire, and some things he didn’t want to think about or even imagine.

He trudged down the blasted, barren, and twisted…trail (if one was feeling generous) that served as a road. Twisted and blackened shapes that resembled a lunatic’s idea of trees encroached on the path, seeming almost alive. An air of malevolence permeated the air, and Stayne felt himself being choked with fear and despair.

A feeling that was quickly replaced by irritation when Iracebeth began to whine.  “Stayne, we’ve been walking for days! Can’t we stop? I'm not used to this much walking!”

He rolled his eye, plodding resolutely onward. “We’ve been walking for two hours at the most, and no, we can’t stop until I find some form of shelter. I’ve got a feeling that this is not a place to be caught out in the open. So stop your whinging and keep up with me, or I’ll drag you.”

Iracebeth fell silent, and Stayne found himself grateful for small favors.

blue skies: prompt 9, fandom: alice in wonderland, author: ranguvar42

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