Blue Skies, prompt 6 | Speed of Sound (Harry Potter)

Jul 23, 2011 17:15

Title: Speed of Sound
Author: shimotsuki
Prompt: #6, wildfire
Fandom: Harry Potter
Character(s)/Pairing(s): Unidentified Hogwarts students
Rating & Warnings: PG, no warnings
Word Count: 125 words
Summary: Not even Voldemort can stop the students from talking.

Speed of Sound
The news spread like wildfire.

Thicknesse is the new Minister. Snape is the new Headmaster. No more Muggleborns at Hogwarts.

The Ministry is calling Potter “Undesirable #1.”

~ * ~
The rumours spread like wildfire.

It was Snape who killed Dumbledore. No one has seen Professor Burbage since the summer. The Carrows are Death Eaters. Snape is a Death Eater. Anyone caught helping Potter will be tortured with the Cruciatus Curse.

Potter is looking for something.

~ * ~
The whispers spread like wildfire.

They can’t do this. They can’t have Hogwarts. Look at McGonagall-have you seen her face?

Talk to Longbottom. Talk to Weasley. They know things.

Potter is looking for something, and when he finds it, he will come back.

~ * ~
The battle-cry spread like wildfire.

Dumbledore’s Army!

~ fin ~

blue skies: prompt 6, fandom: harry potter, author: shimotsuki

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