The Final Fear - Prompt 8

Jul 23, 2011 19:57

Title: The Final Fear
Author: lilachigh
Prompt: No.8 Couple kissing under water
Fandom: CSI
Characters, Gil and Sara
Rating: PG
Word Count: 357
Summary: Sara has one more barrier to overcome...

The Final Fear

They’d gone to the coast for a short vacation before parting - him to France, her back to Las Vegas. Sun, sand and blue, blue sea. Sara had never thought of Gil and swimming together, but he was in the surf before she’d finished rubbing on sun-cream.

She sat watching; he certainly wasn’t the most athletic man she’d ever known or the best looking, but she loved him more every day that passed.

After a few minutes he waded out of the sea and flung himself down next to her. “The water’s like crystal. Come and see these little green fish.” He held out his hand but she hesitated.

“You go. I’ll just sit in the sun.”

Gil could read her face with the ability his connection with the deaf had given him. “Sara, what are you scared about? You can swim. You told me you won prizes at college.”

“Scared? Nothing!”

There was a long pause - his thumb rubbed slowly up and down the back of her hand. He had a sudden memory of walking into the bathroom a few weeks back - Sara had been in the shower and he’d noticed that she was standing, letting the water cascade over her shoulders, but not letting her face get wet.

“Sara - have you swam since - since the desert?”

She shuddered - back under the car, the water rising, covering her mouth, slapping at her nostrils, her ears. She’d never put her head under water again.

“Do you love me?”

“Silly question.”

“Do you trust me?”

“With my life.”

He pulled her to her feet. “Then trust me now.”

The waves greeted her like an old friend and as the water rose over her shoulders, she fought to control the panic.

“Look at me, Sara! Look into my eyes and keep looking.”

It was the voice of command she'd always obeyed in the past. Together they sank beneath the surface into a warm, turquoise heaven. She smiled into the eyes she loved, felt the final fear wash away, dissolve into nothing - and she kissed him.

fandom: csi, author: lilachigh, blue skies: prompt 8

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