Title: Sand Princess
Author: L-chan (mellowcandle)
Prompt: #5, sandcastle
Fandom: Tales of the Abyss
Character(s)/Pairing(s): Natalia
Rating & Warnings: K
Word Count: 100
Summary: Her life was made of sand.
She wasn’t the princess. She wasn’t her father’s daughter. Even her fiancé was someone else.
Her life was made of sand. Everything she was crumbled and washed away when the tide of truth came in.
And the waves kept coming, waves of knowledge and pain and uncertainty, until there would be nothing left.
They tried to comfort her, tell her it didn’t matter, that everything would be all right, but why should she believe it? How could she believe anything anymore?
She’d thought she was strong, made of steel, able to lead.
But this sand princess could only run away.