April Showers Prompt #1: The Cruelest Month (James Bond: Goldeneye)

Apr 11, 2011 03:04

Title: The Cruelest Month
Author: were_lemur
Prompt: T.S. Eliot
Fandom: James Bond: Goldeneye
Character(s)/Pairing(s): James Bond, Alec Trevelyan, Natalya Semyonova
Rating & Warnings: Teen & Up, Character Death
Word Count: 100
Summary: the events of one disastrous April.

April is the cruelest month, -- T.S. Eliot, "The Waste Land"

In London, April is a spring month, whereas in St. Petersburg we're freezing our butts off! -- Jack Wade, C.I.A.

April started with such promise; an evening in a casino, a beautiful woman.

The stolen helicopter was a setback, but not insurmountable. The destruction of Severnaya was another piece of a familiar puzzle.

Until Alec stepped out of the past.

Betrayed, James couldn't be 007 any more. Couldn't be just a weapon in England's arsenal. He smiled as he let Alec fall. Listened to his scream, and the explosion that obliterated the man who'd once been a friend.

Natalya ended more quietly. They kissed good-bye and said they'd keep in touch, and she walked away into the cool April evening.

author: were_lemur, april showers: prompt 1, fandom: james bond

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