Blue skies prompt 3: A shelter in a storm (Supernatural)

Jul 19, 2011 18:21

Title: A shelter in a storm
Author: mish2mish
Prompt: Shelter
Fandom: Supernatural
Character(s)/Pairing(s): Sam/Ruby
Rating & Warnings: PG13
Word Count: 100
Summary: Sam finds shelter and strength in Ruby's arms.

It’s increasingly easy to fall into her arms. Sam can hardly remember why he put up a fight in the first place as he is held fast and to a purpose by her words, her legs around his hips, and the blood in her veins.

He will avenge his brother. The image of that broken body in its haphazard pine coffin only blurs when he feels the roar of her demon fire on his lips, burning in his throat and stomach.

He is so lost, but Ruby keeps him on this path he has chosen. She helps him. She does.

author: mish2mish, fandom: supernatural, blue skies: prompt 3

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