Blue Skies, #3: Unsheltered (A:tLA, G)

Jul 19, 2011 10:36

Title: Unsheltered
Author: Becca Stareyes
Prompt: #3: shelter
Fandom: Avatar: the Last Airbender
Character(s)/Pairing(s): Toph Bei-Fong
Rating & Warnings: none
Word Count: 100
Summary: Toph has camp chores.

Whenever they made camp, Toph would clear the ground. It didn't take much Earthbending to dig a firepit and a latrine, and smooth and level a place to sleep. And it let her soak the feel of of the land into her bones.

The grounds of her family home were manicured, and the Earth Rumble arena had been worn by countless benders. Even the caves of badgermoles had a lived-in feel to Toph. This was the wilderness, with ground unshaped by benders, until Toph set foot on it and made it hers. And Toph found she preferred it like that.

fandom: avatar: the last airbender, author: beccastareyes, blue skies: prompt 3

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