When I was younger, Wil Wheaton wasn't the coolest guy. Not in terms of Star Trek, not in terms of the movies. I especially remember a film named "Toy Soldiers." When his character was shot, the crowd around me cheered in the movie theater.
I can't speak to this mentality. He certainly wasn't my favorite actor by any means. In fact, I remember reading MST3K doctored fanfic that could be especially cruel to his character on Star Trek.
Some child actors go crazy. Fame goes to their head. You hear this all the time. The kids get out into the "real" world and discover its not all adulation and mani-pedis ((geez that looks like mini penises)). However, some child actors survive it. They grow and change with time and somewhere along the way they become awesome. Or - they were always awesome, and society chose not to acknowledge it.
Either way, you've probably already seen this today, if you haven't, it's good. It's a little over 4 minutes long. Wil Wheaton really shines in this video on what it means to be a geek/nerd/etc.