
May 29, 2012 12:00

I would like to think that I'm a reasonably intelligent human being. And yet I don't understand Twitter at all. I've had an RL friend try to explain it to me. After his spiel I simply looked at him blank-eyed, my mouth gaping open. I blinked a lot. I think it is the hype I don't understand. :: shrugs :: Maybe this is a good thing?

Anyway, moving on. That said, I have a Twitter account. I rarely post on it. However, I've been more prone to checking that account lately.

If any of my f-list wants to follow me, or have me follow them, here's my handle:!/day221b

I have no idea how often I'll update, though. It's all still a mystery to me, but I'd love to hear what's going on with my f-list.
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