and ran where they told me not to run

Jan 04, 2008 11:05

apparently all i know how to do anymore is post links and recap, so in that order:
this is one of the few interesting and relevant article about presidential nominees i've seen all year, that said it's not exactly motivating, my favorite quote:
AMY GOODMAN: Are you saying that there’s no difference between these candidates?
ALLAN NAIRN: (blah blah blah) But there is a difference in this sense: the US is so vastly powerful, the US influences and has the potential to end so many millions of lives around the world, that if, let’s say, you have two candidates that are 99% the same-there’s only 1% difference between them-if you’re talking about decisions that affect a million lives-1% of a million is 10,000-that’s 10,000 lives. So, even though it’s a bitter choice, if you choose the one who is going to kill 10,000 fewer people, well, then you’ve saved 10,000 lives.

finished up my time in colorado, spent my last night smoking cigarettes at paris on the platt with jarred: lovely. oh and i ran into a boy who barely knew me, but i actually think loved me briefly and he was still as sweet and beautiful as ever; it was a little painful but i'm glad i bumped into him. arrived in new york after a small debacle on dec 31st at 7am, oof. hung out at 79 lorimer with jill, ryan, vance, ryan's brother eric, and their friend from lancaster, story for new years eve. it was a beautiful evening filled with tons of awesome dancing and the best holland 1945 experience of jill's life (which means A LOT coming from a girl who did her thesis about aeroplane over the sea). next morning jill and i had bagels and lox and watched arrested development. went home showered, came back to w'burg for the BYOP party, finally got to see jane st john and david too (whom i hadn't seen in forever) and i didn't get to spend enough time with them, but also went out in freezing searing cold to tom &jerry's wednesday night and saw everyone there which was a much better catch up session. then last night was the triumphant return of agatha who i helped set up her stuff at her new place which is amazing and will wok our soks off for parties! (yes, i know i mistyped rok but i prefer it this way) oh and i also worked three days. my boss is gone. single, lonely tear.
oh and interesting things going on in the coming few days:
1) care bears on fire at union hall, 2pm, saturday, $5
2) ravens and chimes at mercury lounge, 7-or-8-ish, monday, $8
3) j hoberman lecture/daynightdaynight screening at museum of the moving image, saturday, 7pm, $10
4) seeing there will be blood will daniele and andrew because it is looks so good (and yes maybe daniele does have a small crush on paul dano but that it completely inconsequential!), sunday, ~$10
5) dr.mario tournament/cupcake eating contest, tuesday, 1/15, my place, evening, FREE!
6) daniele gets her record player in the mail!, 1/7, monday.

hello friends?, lectures, jill, kill me 2008, agatha, cold, daw, vinyl, lox, paul dano, jarred, muzak, film, jane st john, new years, my exciting life, booz booz boobz, the meek shall inherit a global ocean, concerts

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