so i've now completed 4 of my 10 days in denver; the trip so far has been mellow and slightly below expectation.
all my denver friends are out of town, but at least my two best friends come in town tomorrow, praise jesus!
i love my parents but today has made me realize why our adult relationship works so well. i almost never see them for more than 2 or 3 days at a time, if that. going on day four with no friends to break up the parents/child time, it's been a little rough.
also rough is being home so much with little to do and a lot of food-gifts so i've been eating a little too much, oof, the holidays.
but! onto the hot spicy commodity fetishism i know you've all been waiting for; special notables are:
free tickets to sweeney todd! and new moccasins
sweeney todd was great but bien sure the second we left the theater both my parents were all like "did it really have to be so gorey?"
yes for fuck's sake YES! i tried to explain why to be true to sondhiem the disgusting spectacle had to be juxtaposed by his gorgeous melodic score. i also mentioned how freakin poetic the last scene with todd/barker and lucy dead in the pieta pose with all the religous/salvation associations was cause it really really was. they listened but didn't really believe me until! my mom read
this article in the denver post, and was all, "oh look honey the lady in the paper said the same thing as you" uh yeah.
vindication was mine! oh and then my dad got really into the history of sweeney todd and actually taught me some new things!
also i finished the sirens of titan which i borrowed from mr very very nice guy via BWNK! i'm moving onto visions of cody once i finish this post and maybe watch a movie. i also have visited two thrift stores so far. i picked up two pair of cool wool socks, FIVE skirts, one boys button up shirt, one flannel, a pair of boots, some VWthing-ugly* snow boots/hi-tops, two necklaces, one broken watch, and a big ring. at the arc but my trip got cut off by a snow storm so another stop by is necessary. also stopped by an old high school haunt, American Vogue (the other thrift store) which is going out of business *tear* and was only able to find one dress, but it's so lovely! 40s wiggle cut, woven silk, aquamarine and black cocktail dress! for only $11. also picked up two other pairs of thick wool socks at REI with my dad.
only things left to do are find a charity online i can donate to on my parents behalf as their christmas gifts and then onto party times with my friends, more thrifting, pool, bowling, another book after visions of cody, and finding a date deserving of my awesome new dress!\
also anyone who missed matchless last tuesday missed seeing the infamous bike messenger!
also those who did show up: i'm really sorry if i didn't spend enough time with you! having my face glued tp some dude's when friends are about is not cool. but! some notes about the infamous bike messenger: 1) i don't know how old he is 2) he looks young and i would say fairly attractive 3) that said, he's already made an indie film and toured europe with it, lived in stolckholm and some other european city for year each 4) he's a bike messenger with lots of tattoos, mrow! 5) acted really into me, but! could just be a dude trying to get laid 6) he talked a lot about fixing/building me a new bike!
okay enough talk of men and other things, i love and miss you all babies!
looking forward to new years eve parties with the cultural impresario!
speaking of which, there is a besties' party at 79 lorimer that the whole gang should stop by or end up at!