
Oct 22, 2007 00:21

so after hell week, i think i made up for lost time by having a rather lovely weekend if i do say so myself,
so let's recap shall we?



i get off work at 4pm and un/fortunately the sds demonstration was cancelled due to the rain so i call jill and ask if vicki's planetary showcase is still going on, and if she thinks i can get in. yes to both, so i show up (too late for ola podrida *lamefaces*) and mingle with jill, david, rachel, and vicki and get showered in free drink tokens. realize dear reader that i've been up since 6am, have slept properly for a week or so due to midterms and probably haven't eaten well either. long story short, daniele = drunk by 6pm, oops.

i skip out on dinner at zen noodle to see islands for FREE!!! at r bar. which was a cozy, and short but awesome! show where i also consumed another beer from ryan. rode to jills and collpased on her couch in a puddle of drunk-mush, rachel and jill were in a pretty similar state, so our whole being responsible and cooking for sunday went out the window, but...
too drunk to miss a party? NEVER!!!

so we roll over to 79 montrose and hang with the tallys and i get to see larry bonk, which is always delightful, but equally delightful we get to see the besties and in their own apartment no less! they were fantastic as was the apartment and the party, but unfortunately at this point i am so beyond tired, so jill and i crap out like losers at midnight and walk to her place in the pouring rain and crash.

goddam and that's only friday night!
saturday and sunday recaps soon to come...
now, must sleep.

muzak, bwnk!, vicki, fatigue, jill, the besties, tally, my exciting life, rachel, booz booz boobz, islands, david, shows

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