I'm getting pickier and pickier as a reader. At one time, I finished pretty much any book I started. Then I took to giving a book 50 pages before I asked myself, "If I lost this book, would I care enough to replace it?" If the answer was no, I stopped reading. In the last two months, I've probably set aside at least half the books I started.
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Comments 23
When I stop reading it's not usually because I hate the writing or anything like that. I'm sure other folks found the books I give up on very entertaining. I just realize I don't care about finding out what happens next.
Doesn't that seem like a low percentage though? I suppose it's just a clear indication that not all books are right for all readers, no matter how well written they are. After all, I reject most books every time I go into a bookstore.
Good point :)
Though, I haven't been reading many books at all lately. :(
What do you do with your time if you don't read?
Also, World of WarCraft.
I still read most of the books I start, but I bet there are 5 - 10% of them that I don't finish for one reason or another. Sometimes it can be as simple as picking up a different book and liking it better and never getting back to the first book! :)
I finally decided to reread George R. R. Martin's first four books so I'll remember what was happening when the new one comes out this summer. That'll keep me busy for a while.
I actually refused to finish one book recently because the author has only one thing on her mind, and while the locale and time period might change, she manages to drag this one character into it by various means, and once I'd twigged on to this in this book, I put it down, ripped out the bookmark so I wouldn't know where I'd got to, and put it back on the shelf.
I'm rereading GRRM's Storm of Swords and my paperback of that has very tiny print, so I hear you.
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