(no subject)

Jun 16, 2012 17:15

Part way through writing my long synopsis of E3. Man that was a crazy week. Debating between posting the full thing at CR as a static page, and posting it here and linking it that way so people can comment.

Meanwhile, I've managed to visit the Apple Store and got to try the new Retina MacBook Pro. I'm uh, not impressed? The pixels may be too small to discern but the jump isn't as strong as from the iPhone with the doubling of the DPI.

Still it's nice to know that the Mac line is finally back in active development. This also makes me curious about the future...

Coming soon is Mac OSX Mountain Lion. I strongly suspect this will be the last cat themed Mac OS release. And from there OSX will be rebranded as iOSX. What would happen with this transition, I don't know. But the fact that the MacBook Pros have a multi-year road map ahead of them is at least very reassuring.

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