Dec 22, 2003 01:25
A crowded room, friends with tired eyes
I'm hiding from you and your soul of ice
My God I thought you were someone to rely on
Me? I guess I was a shoulder to cry on
A face on a lover with a fire in his heart
A man undercover but you tore me apart...
To those who wanted the Danger TV Soundtrack, it's been sent and you should get it before Christmas I hope. But the Post Office can be a bitch, so if it's late, go yell at them instead of me. And the episode is almost done. Okay? Good.
What a lousy fuckin' week. Could it get any worse? First of all, I hate Christmas shopping. The malls; the stores; the crowd of greedy, impatient people...ya know Christmas is in the air. And it smells like shit! I go into stores and I get pushed around or yelled at for taking the last of whatever item is on the shelf. Then the long ass lines because there's only one cashier when there should be SIX! And then that cashier is such a bitch because stressful work is making her act like one, which suddenly turns you into one yourself...I guess it really IS the Season of Giving!
This is really my first time Christmas shopping, due to the fact that I actually have money now! I got $800+ from fiancial aid and I figured that I would be nice and buy my family stuff so I wouldn't look greedy. I'm still not done [gotta buy my uncle something...yes THAT uncle] but out of $400 [hey, I gotta spend half on myself, ya know...especially if it's train fare or food, plus other shit], I've only have about $100 left in my wallet. Plus the stress of the whole experience is giving me ulcers and a bum right knee [fuckin' customers from Hell]. Boy, Santa does really suck, doesn't he?
And then there's Alexis...heh. Where do I even begin with her? Ya know, I think I'm a decently good looking guy. I know I have a great personality. I think I'm a good catch, ya know? I thought Alexis felt the same way. So I called her the other day to see if she wanted to go shopping with me, so it could be actual fun to do it. But she couldn't. Ya know why? Because she had a DATE. With SOMEONE ELSE. Someone that WASN'T ME. Apparently she met this dude from who knows where a week ago and even though she's "not ready", she's gonna date him anyway to see where it goes. And to think, I thought someone out there of the opposite sex really gave a damn about me in a romantic sense. What a sucker I am. I could go all Heartless like Romeo suggested to me a while ago and not give a shit, but I can't do that. I'm pissed off and I'm hurt. Plus, I'm tired and I feel stressed out and I just want this year to end so the next one can arrive and I can start out fresh. New problems. What I really want for Christmas is some damn respect and some positivity in my life for once. I need a break, okay God? Happy Holidays my ass!
Last Christmas, I gave you my heart
But the very next day, You gave it away
This year, to save me from tears
I'll give it to someone special