Waiting For Love

Dec 03, 2003 21:12

You have NO idea how tired I am. Studying for finals, writing Dtv, having trouble sleeping for unknown reasons, going from the frigid weather to hot heaters and vice versa multiple times...I'm practically falling asleep as I write this. Thank God the semester ends next week for me. I'm gonna be left completely drained after it all.

I did manage to buy The Pirates of the Carribean [haven't seen it yet...this weekend], The Ultimate Ric Flair Collection 3 DVD set [looks pretty sweet...WHOOOO!], and X2 [best superhero movie until Spider-Man 2 arrives in July] last week. So when school's over, I'll be watching some great stuff...as well as playing some more PS2 [don't worry, Dtv will be worked on...on the last scene of the next episode as I write].

Now for the main event: the question. I saw Alexis yesterday in English class [God, I'm gonna miss that class]. She was her usual peppy self and I was extremely tired, yet she kinda woke me up. We did the usual flirting and talking in class, as well as a group project in class for our final, which we got a good mark on [BOOYAH]. So the professor ends class earlier than usual and it was now time to show some balls and ask Alexis out on an official date. As we left the classroom together, I pulled her aside and awkwardly and bashfully asked her out...like I was 13 years old or something, having no idea how to make the question more appealing than it is. After all, this is me we're talkin' about. So I did it. I asked her if she would like to go out on a date with me because I thought it would be really cool to do and maybe it could be a nice way to get to know each other much better. She kinda giggled and talked about the night we went to the movies, telling me that she felt that was kinda a date [an unofficial one] and that I shouldn't be so shy asking her out. I was surprised because I didn't want her to see that as a date, but apparently she did, so I kinda felt uneasy in a way. She said that I was cute but she had just broken up with someone and wasn't ready to rush into anything else, which is understandable. So the answer to the date question was NO. Yeah, it sucks. I was really letdown. But what happened after lifted my spirits. After she practically rejected me, she noticed how disappointed I was. She put her hand to my face and apologized for the rejection and said that if the timing was better, she would have a different answer. She said that we should continue to be friends and once we really got to know what the other was like, then dating is an option. I was okay with that [still bummed though] and she smiled and gently kissed me on the lips. I looked at her and gave her the same kiss back. After the two kisses, we just giggled at each other and said our goodbyes until Thursday when we would have class again. So I didn't get the answer I wanted but the constellation prize was better than I hoped for. So if that's the most I'll ever get from Alexis in the romance department, I'll be perfectly content. But until then, I'm still waiting for love to come my way.

dawolf81 in five yearsOccupation: Unemployed ChemistPrized possession: A very expensive coin-collection.Favourite film: Star Wars Episode VII: Disappearance of the SmugglersAge difference: Eleven years older.

God, that's sad. LoL.
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