Jun 22, 2007 17:40
So long no post and all that.
After the horrible bad exam from hell on tuesday, today's was considerably better. One of the question's was exactly what I had been looking at this morning, and the rest was manageable, too. Here's to hoping the horrible bad exam from hell won't ruin my grade average too much.
Yesterday was brilliant fun though, Grace and I went to the Surgeon's Hall museum. It's basically a medical history museum with loads of bodyparts and the most bizarre illnesses, plus a bunch of broken, splintered bones. So much fun. We both have a bit of a thing for the gory, I doubt anyone has ever laughed as much in that museum as we have.
It was seriously fascinating though. Fractured skulls from Waterloo, giant facial tumours, gangrene feet, and we didn't even get to go into the best part because that's closed to the public. There was that apperatus, basically a minimally invasive operating set complete with camera and these little tongs inside an artificial body, which you could operate yourself. We spent about 20 minutes with that, it was so brilliant.
Now just one more exam to go and I'm done, yays.