One episode left to “Boardwalk Empire”s fifth and final season.
I thought this season started out boring especially with its dependence on flashbacks detailing the childhood of Nucky. But boy, has it found its footing and has become probably its best season since season two. It definitely should be its last season and go out on a high note, but I hate that its episode order was reduced from 12 to 8. While it creates tighter storylines, it left a lot to be desired in terms of character screen time. We’ve seen Gillian twice
chilling in the sanitarium
, Margaret maybe three times
and a refreshing episode that shows how Nucky has moved on
and the Chalky/Narcisse denouement was rushed through.
Aside from the limited screen time of the women, I can’t fault the quick and casual deaths of huge characters because gang wars are brutal and death came whiplash fast. The tagline for this season is “No One Goes Quietly” and it’s shockingly true.
Nelson Van Alden
Chalky White
Sally Wheet
Mickey Doyle
*You died as you lived: yammering trying to weasel your way out of something.
All the dead Michaels of Boardwalk Empire
*Pitt, Shannon, Stuhlbarg (whose Arnold Rothstein died off-screensville as the real Rothstein died in between the years of the series’ time jump) and Williams.
And the other gangsters and characters whose names I never learned.
We are now at the point where the Feds are closing in on Capone. These past few episodes have been about how Meyer Lansky and Lucky Luciano are going after Nucky’s business and are seemingly heading for a showdown. Considering Capone, Luciano and Lansky all died non-violent deaths years after the time period currently on “Boardwalk Empire” there’s no threat of them dying. And Nucky is based on the real life Enoch Johnson who died non-violently in 1968 so unless they’re going to deviate from that (this is Enoch Thompson, not Johnson so they could) Nucky has a 50/50 chance of surviving the finale.
I’m guessing Nucky survives because all of these flashbacks have served to give the audience a better understanding of Nucky and seeing where he’s come from and how he’s trying to get back to that place of trying to be a good person. As Gillian says in her letter, “There is forgiveness for everyone.”.
We saw l’il! Nucky who only wanted a loving family (I almost cried when he cried at the dinner table of his predecessor Sheriff Lindsay)
L’il!Nucky with the Commodore
Adult!Nucky who takes in L’il!Gillian off the streets
Only later to pimp her out to the Commodore. A decision that weighs on him but he could never admit how much. Only know are we allowed to realize how conflicted he was about it.
Another marvelous casting of the young characters. They have all been pitch perfect
We’re seeing the rebirth of Nucky. I was so worried about Eli who has gone through so much
Witnessing the death of his partner and crime Van Alden
And even more devastating for him, the loss of his family and his connection to his son Willy.
With Willy endangered the Thompson brothers finally come together to take on a common enemy
and I think (hope) this newfound sense of purpose and family means Eli makes it out unscathed.
And if Joe “Slim” Harper doesn’t end up being Tommy Darmody I’m going to plotz.
I'm all for a season that ends for redemption of Nucky. It'll be hard because of how he murdered Jimmmy and turned his back on him when he knew that he was the only father Jimmy had known, but I think the show is working their way to some peace for Nucky and I don't think it'll be at the barrel of a shotgun.
Call Maury Povich. I think Travis even has Michael Pitt's nose. This had better be Tommy!