The Return of the CW, Movies I've Seen...

Sep 15, 2011 12:26

~The former students of West Beverly High returned to the small screen Monday night

*The show chickened out and had Naomi have a pregnancy scare instead of actually being pregnant and having to decide what to do about it.

*Young!Papa Winchester began his arc as someone inexplicably drawn to Annie, one of the most worthless characters on the CW, a network that airs “One Tree Hill” so that’s saying something. Annie? Ugh. I mean…

*Last season we find out that due to their parents divorce Dixon and Annie couldn’t get into the colleges of their choosing. Annie inherited money from a faded Hollywood actress (Sally Kellerman who probably found that a lot to be art imitating life) so she was going to share her money with Dixon so that they can go to college. But oh no, Dixon has now decided to forego college and become a musician. Because that’s not stereotypical at all.

*Old Man Teddy is still gay and not getting anything to do. Plus he’s been bumped to guest star status as a way to begin his transition off the show, which sucks.

*Navid and Silver are parents….to Navid’s bratty teenage sister. But it’s great seeing them as the mature, together ones in the bunch.

*The boys got a scene together being buddies and the gals the same and it warmed my heart.

*Liam must have spent the summer on Idiot Island because he was stuck on stupid the entire episode.

I have to say we’re off to a good start. Here’s the “90210” cast, as well as other CW actors at the CW Fall premiere party.

My (former) West Bev Babies!

Michael Stegers and wife Brandi

I wonder if Jessica Stroup is still dating former “90210”er Dustin Milligan
*Snapped at the Toronto International Film Festival

His career is just fine, thank you very much. From dead “Ghostfacer” to star of “Shark 3D”

The men of “Ringer” and Aaron Stanford of “Nikita

Shane, Aaron and Lyndsey of “Nikita”

Lyndsay Fonseca, Paul Wesley and Melinda Clarke

Gale Morgan Harold looking perplexed

I’m assuming he brought Yara with him. The two were seen in Vancouver recently

I miss his longer hair

He doesn’t even go here! Alan Ritchson attended and hung with friend and “90210” hookup, Trevor Donovan

*L’il Ian has come out. No, not that he’s as bald as Ted Danson was during “Cheers” run, but that he and Nina are indeed in love.

L’il Ian and Nina connected by bad hairdos

Shane West and Daniel Gilles

Matt Davis, Candice Accola and Zach Gilford

Annalynne McCord and Dominic Purcell

Rachel Bilson and Wilson Bethel

”Hart of Dixie”s Rachel Bilson and “Ringer”s Kristofer Paloha

~The only thing I would’ve wanted to say to Cress Williams at the Paley Center’s Fall preview was that I love that he’s married to Simbi Khali. I’m glad that convo never happened because apparently they’re not married anymore.

Harpo, who is this woman?

Cress and James King

*Not at the CW party together but another event. These pictures sparked rumors that “Gossip Girl” Matthew Settle and Kelly Rutherford were finally a couple. But Kelly says that she loves Matthew too much to date him.

That’s what all characters in rom-coms about best friends who become lovers say

Other TV Show One Sheets/Promo Pics

The Vampire Diaries
*Let me guess the show is really pushing Damon/Elena this season.

Undeserving Show gets undeserving promo pics. SV never got more than promo shot

Bloody pomergranate makes sense, but not bloody pear. It just seems like this Brit got really frustrated with his pear and said, “Bloody pear! Dammit all to hell.



Desperate Housewives

Hawaii Five-0


You thought Friday nights would ruin us


TV Guide Fall Preview Spread

Pan Am in TV Guide

SPN in TV Guide
*The print is probably too small but it’s Jensen, yet again, talking about how Dean is going to be seen with a walker yelling “Sammy”. He’s been using that quip since Season 1!

What’s in store for S7?

Well we don’t know. We do know that it will be Misha-lite…

This will be Dean all season

…but don’t worry about him. He’s still funning it up with his genre friends. Like Samatha Ferris (with Julie McNiven, Anna) feeling her up.

and “Eureka”s Colin Ferguson

*Another SPN alum is doing just fine also. After a string of films that are either shelved or went straight to DVD (“The Resident”,

Two pics of JDM from “Peace, Love and Understanding”

With cast mates Chace Crawford, Catherine Keener and Jane Fonda

Jane, he should be your next husband

~The Emmys are this weekend. The New York Times saluted eight masters including “Boardwalk Empire”s Kelly MacDonald, “The Good Wife”s Archie Panjabi and these other scene stealers:

Peter Dinklage

Margo Martindale of “Justified”

a slightly slimmer Alec Baldwin of “30 Rock”

Donald Glover of “Community”

Bryan Cranston of “Breaking Bad”


No other title has been as true as this one. This film is essentially Ryan Gosling driving around. Not in high octane scenes-though there are a few-but this film is more a mix of quiet character composition amidst stunning brutality. A modern day cowboy film in which the horse gives way to various cars and the man has no real name.

Directed by Nicolas Winding Refn (“Bronson”), “Drive” stars Ryan Gosling as a guy simply referred to as Driver who holds down jobs as a stuntman, mechanic and wheelman for hire. When he befriends and falls for his neighbor Irene (Carey Mulligan), he finds himself the target of a mobster after getting too involved in her life.

I was expecting wall-to-wall action, but from the very start with the 80s hot pink title scrawl and the synth music played underneath, I knew this film would not be the high packed action film people may think it’ll be. Atmospheric, ambient, evocative and every other fifty cent word there is to describe this film are apt descriptors (In describing the process of collaborating with Refn on the film, Gosling said that he and Refn, “creatively effed in my car the night we first met and we gave birth to a movie baby.” ).

We never get to know anything about Driver, not even his one friend Shannon (Bryan Cranston) seems to know anything about him. Yet, despite the lack of backstory and any real give from the character about his thoughts and feelings, through Driver’s interaction with Irene and her son you see that there’s more to him than the detached, take care of business demeanor he’s perfectly crafted. And it’s those moments that help the viewer (at least me) accept what Driver does in the name of protecting himself and Irene. It’s like a puppy bringing you a dead bird in its mouth. You’re horrified but, it meant well. It only wants to show you love.
Gosling is immensely fascinating in the film brutal, yet boyish and all cool cat, his Driver melds perfectly with Mulligan’s Irene. This could just be the “girl” role and it largely is, but Mulligan is such a great actor that she brings great emotion and reality to her character.

The script is very sparse. If there were ten pages of dialogue in the first twenty-five minutes of the film I’d be surprised (but it is based on a 200 page book that I’m sure is as rich in imagery. The film is all shadows, stark lighting, slo-mos and driving but done in a way that makes you get entwined with Driver; see his world from his eyes. It reminded me of any late night, straight to cable 80s film), but the cast gave great performances. These actors personified the adage “there’s no small parts, only small actors”. Christina Hendricks

Chessica Rabbit

… Oscar Isaac (who is excellent as usual), Cranston and Ron Perlman are all wonderful. The actor who is getting the most buzz is Albert Brooks (“Finding Nemo”, “Defending Your Life”) who plays a shady, connected man that Shannon wants to go into business with. It’s a great turn for Brooks who has largely done comedies, but more than anything it’s great to see him looking his age and growing gracefully unlike his brother Bob “Super Dave” Einstein (Marty Funkhouser, “Curb Your Enthusiam”) whose plastic surgery makes him look like Joan Rivers twin. I’m going to call him John Rivers.

While I loved the film, in the moment it ends there’s a bit of a drop where one will either decide if they loved or hated it. While the crowd applauded at all the right parts when it ended there was silence. It was as the room did a collective “Seriously?” But what I appreciated was after the silence there was chatter with some people saying, “I expected there to be more action.” Fair. Or “I’m not sure how I feel about it.” And I think what gave people pause is that it’s by no means a conventional Hollywood film, at least for this day and age but that’s what I found so gratifying about the film.

I spent the better part of the movie thinking how I cannot, will not begin crushing on Ryan Gosling. I won’t. I don’t care if he has a bad ass walk.

Or seems this intoxicating mix of cool and hot which makes him an El Nino of Attractiveness. I just don’t have time for you Ryan Gosling. I rebuke you! You were on “The Mickey Mouse Club”. You were “Young Hercules”! So what you’re a cool customer who gave me my second best concert going experience and broke up a fight in the streets of New York like you’re Dudley Do-Right (like Dudley, Ryan’s a Canuck). I’m not Sandra Bullock or Kat Dennings or Eva Mendes (allegedly), I won’t fall under your Disneyland going spell, dude.

The devil is a lie!

Ryan in Esquire

Ryan’s “Mickey Mouse Club” costar Justin Timberlake is still trying to make his film career happen. Okay, I guess it is happening, but that doesn’t mean I have to like it. He covers Esquire and is featured in W with his “In Time” costar Amanda Seyfried.

When Will It Be JC’s Time to Shine?

I want to hold his head underwater in a lake and drop a truckload of timber on him

“In Time” Trailer

image Click to view

*JT’s been doing impromptu performances in New York which supports the rumor my coworker heard from his friend (you know how that goes) that Justin’s record label wants him to put out new material right now or he has to return the advance they gave him.

While JT is steadily making films, he has a long way to go before getting into Gosling’s or Leonardo Dicaprio territory of acting. Says Tom Hardy of Leo, “You don't see a lot of actors who are big in their 20s continue. Leo is an enigma-he's an absolute enigma. Talking about iconic, he's probably the closest thing to old-school Humphrey Bogart territory. In 100 years' time, he'll still be remembered.”

My hope for Leonardo is that he’ll take a role that has more emotional oomph like the roles he had when he was younger like “What’s Eating Gilbert Grape” or “The Beach”. Until then he’s doing steady, super serious roles like the “The Great Gatsby” which he is currently shooting or “J. Edgar”, directed by Philo Beddoe Clint Eastwood. “J. Edgar” will premiere at the AFI Film Festival here in L.A in November.

Until then, see Leo do publicity for the film

GQ Style-y

*When not filming or even during filming Leo hangs with his bros.

Leo and Tobey Maguire on the set of “The Great Gatsby”

Blake Lively may have his heart now, but Lukas will stand by waiting

They’re such an old married couple. Leo doesn’t even give a toss how he looks with Lukas

One thing Leo loves more than Lukas and Blake and maybe even the environment?


“Oooh, what kind of phone is that?!

Now I just want to know

When is someone going to cast Michael Pitt as his brother?

~Leo’s “J.Edgar” costar Armie Hammer is on the cover of Details and inside he recounts when his wife confronted Leo on set.

I (his wife) actually met Leo when I was modeling in Tokyo when I was in high school. He hooked up with my roommate. When I saw him on set after all those years, I said, 'Tell me you're not an asshole. Do not make me hate you for the rest of the shoot. She was Spanish - you took a bath your first night together. What's her name?' And he goes, 'Marta.'"

I find that unreasonable for her to expect him to remember every hookup. It’s not like he promised this chick the world. If you’re taking a bath with a guy you just met, you’re just in it for sex and not for a long lasting relationship. Embrace it. So for her to act like her feelings for Leo hinged on whether he remembered her friend, a woman I’m sure was one of many, many, many a young Leo hooked up with (remember he and his buddies were referred to as the Pussy Posse) is too much.

Armie in Details

He’s only 25. He grew up in the Cayman Islands. I think they messed up his birth records because he looks easily 35

~I intended to only post key parts of the interview, but I loved Tom Hardy’s and Joel Edgerton’s Backstage interview that I’m pretty much posting the entire interview.

Though they may clash onscreen, Edgerton and Hardy get along beautifully in real life, joking and hugging and teasing each other in a most brotherly fashion during their interview with Back Stage.

About being happy that his success is happening now versus in his twenties

Hardy: That just reminded me of something I heard: Every single leading man that's been worth his salt to watch was 30 years of age before they started getting recognition-apart from James Dean, maybe, who didn't do a lot before he cocked it. And I don't remember him so much as an actor, more of an image. You don't see a lot of actors who are big in their 20s continue. Leo is an enigma-he's an absolute enigma. Talking about iconic, he's probably the closest thing to old-school Humphrey Bogart territory. In 100 years' time, he'll still be remembered.

Back Stage: You were both relatively unknown when you shot this film two years ago; how did you go about landing the roles?

Tom Hardy: I had a lengthy process of begging. I knew if I auditioned for it, there was no way I would get it. "Bronson" hadn't come out yet, but I'd let myself go after that-I was a mess. I was flabby around the neck and pale; I couldn't throw a kick or a punch. I hadn't trained for a year, and I was doing "Wuthering Heights" with my fiancée, Charlotte [Riley]. I was playing the young, 17-year-old Heathcliff, and my ass was wider than my shoulders.

…..I kept saying, "I'm not in physical shape, but we're going to need months of training anyway. There's no way you're going to see me as a fighter now." My athletic ability was like Pee-wee Herman's. So Lionsgate said, "We're not interested in this kid. There's no way."

Back Stage: You play brothers in the film; did you find you had chemistry right away, or did you not worry about it, since the brothers are estranged?

Hardy: I fell in love with Joel as soon as I saw him. The funny thing is, we don't really have any scenes where we need to show that chemistry. Hopefully, in a future movie we can do something that shows we like each other.

Edgerton: It's interesting-you sometimes have to perform the opposite of the way a relationship naturally forms. But Gavin likes to get people there as soon as possible to start working together, almost to a selfish degree. So Jennifer and Frank [Grillo, who plays Brendan's trainer] came early; we all spent a lot of time together.

Hardy: Yeah, it was lonely being Tommy; Tommy had no friends.

Back Stage: You had Nick Nolte.

Hardy: Yeah, but Nick's wild. [Laughs.] And my character doesn't like Nick's character, so we can't really hang out. I remember Gavin gave me some homework, which was like 40 questions I was supposed to answer: What's your favorite color, what music was playing when you were born? And I just left them outside my door because Tommy wouldn't answer those questions. Tommy wasn't a very happy kid.

Edgerton: I got that questionnaire, too. I just found it the other day.

Hardy: Of course he filled his out-Brendan would answer the questions.

Edgerton: Brendan would fill out the questions, and then he'd grade himself and give himself an A.

Hardy: I didn't answer the questions and got told off for it, for being disrespectful

Back Stage: You called yourself a character actor, but you look like a leading man. Do you find you have to fight for the character roles?

Hardy: I'm constantly arguing with my therapist about this, about finding the right balance between a masculine archetype male lead and a thinker, a man who's sensitive and thoughtful and intelligent. That blend isn't common; it hasn't been for the last 10 years. Most of the male acting I've seen isn't character acting. The lead actors haven't had that quality; I would never get behind that man in a firefight. I just wouldn't trust him to get me out of danger. He may be sensitive and funny-

Edgerton: You might want to make love to him.

Hardy: [Laughs.] But you know what I mean? That character lead hasn't been seen since Paul Newman's time. Look at "Cool Hand Luke." That's an antihero. Would anyone want to watch "Cool Hand Luke" now? I think "Tigerland" is probably the closest thing to a "Cool Hand Luke" we've had in a long time-Colin Farrell is amazing in that. Beautiful, sexy, masculine guy. He had tongue-in-cheek humor, but you know he could knock you out. But that wasn't a mainstream film. So it's hard to find a script.

Back Stage: Make Joel write one for you.

Edgerton: Yeah, I'll write one for you.

Hardy: Then I would have to turn it down, and it would be upsetting. [Laughs.]

Edgerton: One of the reasons I was excited to play certain smaller roles in movies was because I felt like I always kind of secretly knew that I had a better part sometimes than the guy playing the lead role-because the writer writes with more of an abandon with the supporting characters. When you look at shows like "The Simpsons," it started out being about Bart and ended up being about Homer. Or "Deadwood" was about Timothy Olyphant's character, and it shifts because Al Swearengen is the more interesting character. (dawnybee: I never considered the Bart/Homer focus and he’s absolutely right).

Hardy: The formula says you have to like the lead, and he can't do anything truly wrong. And as actors, we're going to struggle because the most interesting characters-and ultimately the films we all hark back to-are where the lead makes the glorious mistake.

Edgerton: And didn't fumble to apologize straightaway.

Hardy: And is human. Because I've never seen these guys that we see on billboards and stuff, these actors with their great six-packs and the wind blowing softly through their hair-these aren't the guys I want to get behind. These aren't the girls I want to hold at night. I don't get it. It's a processed perfection that I don't understand and I don't relate to and it's not entertainment for me. But the antihero, the guy who goes out there and tries his best, fails, fucks up, tries again, fails again, then dies. Well, it's sad, but life is like that. Anyone who said it wasn't going to be painful and difficult lied to you. So why are my scripts lying to me? Because it's entertainment, I get that.

~After the premiere of “Warrior” in L.A,

Funning it up with Joel Edgerton and Frank Grillo

Tom hightailed it back to the UK for yet another bow of “Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy” I think it’s the first premiere for the film he’s been able to attend. I think.

What’s been beautiful to see on the red carpet is Gary Oldman’s guy love for Colin Firth. So impressed by Firth while working together, Oldman wants to work with him again and soon. Says Gaz,

I think I’m gonna do something with Colin Firth. It was something I’d been thinking about for a while, I can’t say what it is, but it’s a remake, and when I worked with Colin I thought: here’s the guy to do it with.

See how they swapped? Colin and Gary and Tom and Benedict Cumberatch are next to each other

Gary Oldman is Ned Flanders

~I leave you with?

Tom lording over all those CW nobodies. Long live the CW king

tom hardy, tv misc, picspam

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