More Comic Endings..

Aug 26, 2011 12:45

~It’s done. In a matter of days the DCU will be the DcnU as a new era is ushered in for DC Comics superheroes.

*On Sunday I picked up some of these at Golden Apples comics-- my go-to comics place-and Seth Green came in. He’s a regular there apparently because one of the clerks, asked “Where is your lovely wife today?” He said she was with her friends. He was checking out the figures and collectibles versus the comics. Though when he came in he went straight to the new releases section and looked over some of them.

/cool story bro.


The Justice League

I loved how the JLA run ended. The JLA has always had an ever changing roster but I’m still surprised by the lack of the core JLA founders in this issue. I think it has to do with DC’s notorious editorial meddling. But it’s for the better, I think, because the ending felt like current line-up of JLA-ers were the Teen Titans playing dress up and decided “bored now”.

They’re not feeling it.

Okay, only Dick and Donna are founding Teen Titans, but Supergirl, Jesse Quick, Congorilla and the others are most definitely second-tiered leaguers that could’ve/should’ve come up through the ranks of the Titans.

It ends with each one bidding their farewells. Congorilla is off to Africa to fight alongside the superheroes on that continent. Jesse Quick is going to give birth and spend time with her baby.

Now I know Clark can rock his uniform while pregnant

Kara decides to spend time enjoying Earth.

Which is a good end for her because in the relaunch Kara’s attitude about Earth is definitely not a positive one.

*I love when writers remember to focus on the personal connections to the characters, not just team-mates. Not only is it nice but it answers the question of who knows what about whom.

Like Oliver’s ward Roy knows about Superman’s Fortress of Solitude, but Oliver’s other ward Mia does not.

Mia confiding in Oliver’s son Connor about her HIV diagnosis

Comfort leads to sex

*But not for Connor. He’s asexual and some fans guess gay.

And while it’s odd for siblings to kiss a’la Angelina Jolie style, he wants to show her that he’s not afraid of her status.

Now Oliver is all Papa Bear about Mia.

Chewing out Bruce for Bruce’s former Robin Jason Todd kidnapping her

But Jason respects Mia in his own way

*Beating up a girl, Jason? That’s why you don’t have a memorial statue at the Titans Tower.

Back to the Titans…

Left to turn off the light are the Teen Titans founders, Dick and Donna. Dick who has pretty much has his path mapped out perfectly: Robin, his own persona Nightwing and now Batman, has fared better than Donna who was killed, brought back to life and has struggled with finding her place in the world again.

Did they tell the JLA they were quitting? It’s like “The Breakfast Club” in there except they didn’t leave a note explaining who they are and Donna’s hair is luxurious and dandruff free

The Teen Titans

It ended on the very even number 100 with the Titans facing off against clones of Conner and Superboy Prime-the being that killed Conner years ago.

They did what they do best: unite and force and mete out a beating
*Does John Stewart get tired of having to schlep those non-aerial people around?

*As Tim shields Conner from harm.
”I have Conner. Kara, save yourself!”

Like Kara, Conner has a nice end that will hopefully carry fans over unto the return of the Titans. It’s already been confirmed by the issue writer Scott Lobdell that Kon will be the villain for the first year as he’s been kidnapped and has lost his memory. A blank slate once again.

Titans of Today

Titans Present and Past

The Titans from both generations having fun

I love the girls are watching on, confounded by the juvenile ways of the guys

*This is why I loved the second wave of Teen Titans.

When Jamie Reyes met the Teen Titans

The disappointing IMO tale of the Hollow Men winded down. Nothing special. It ends with Conner finally at ease with life in Smallville and with pals Simon Valentine (who could still become Conner’s Lex Luthor), Conner’s cousin/maybe crush Lori Luthor and some alien dude whose backstory was boring.

*I’m sad about this title ending. I loved the stories. The stories ran in and out of continuity (sometimes they dealt with things going on in the DCU, other stories could fit anywhere or had no basis in anything) so the story possibilities were endless.

Clark needing a helping hand after the Joker pushes him out a window

Gates of Gotham
I only read the final issue. I tried to tackle the first or third issue but it wasn’t interesting. What I liked was Bruce giving Dick the much needed affirmation he needed.

That means “I Love You”

Even Clark thinks Dick is great

*Dick isn’t as whiny and needy as Jason Todd was.

How about this name?

Young Clark was whiny too

*The title also brought Cassandra Cain back to the family after being overseas being Black Bat.

Green Lantern Corps
Again, not a regular reader of this. I was just interested on how it ends. It ends with the Green Lantern Corps being pissed at the four humans Lanterns so they take it all out on Kyle Rayner and kick him out of the Corps.

Separatist Lanterns!

*I hope Kyle Rayner makes it to the relaunch. He’s like the George Constanza of the JLA. He’s the only one who ever seems baffled by the weird things that befall the team or himself.

Like his implied roofie-ing by Bueno Excellente

Taking a final bow

I haven’t read every issue of Zatanna, but most. I’ve loved it. I loved her cast of characters like her assistant Mickey and her cousin Zachary .The stories have been free wheeling and fun. Some issues have inserts of tales from her youth like when Zee gets braces and apprehends a robber by unfurling her braces and wrapping him up in them. Or clever in-jokes like this one.

*The joke is that in a very old story with Captain Carrot, the head of the animorphic superheroes, he lands in Golden Gate Park and Zatanna adopts him. Captain Carrot used a carrot to control his ship.

The final story is light, but just indicative of the little annoyances Zatanna has to deal with as a person with magical abilities.

First her fantasy about Bradley Cooper and her assistant in Bimini gets interrupted when geese fly into the plane’s engine.

But she’s Zatanna so without even taking off her sleep mask she tells the engine to rebuild itself.

She goes back home and tries to conjure up the fantasy again but a witch boy from another dimension has broken into her home and tried to still her book of magic. She captures him, sends him back to his dimension and returns to her dream.

And like all performances, it ends with “Good Night”

Wonder Woman
Wonder Woman approached the relaunch heads on with anvilicious dialogue.

Hallelujah for a living parent

Not all the superheroes can say the same

Why does she need an invisible jet if she flies?

Superman Beyond
Superman is back from out of space just like that disco song.

Trying to pick up the pieces of his loss

Even at this age he’s STILL UNSURE!

Jimmy offers him a job. Bruce offers him support.

Why Bruce Wayne, are you flirting?

Action Comics: Superman
IIRC no other comic has run as long as Action Comics with 904 issues. When the relaunch was being considered Dan Didio debated on whether or not to leave this title unaffected. But deciding they had to be serious about starting over again, they’ve zeroed it out.

The run ends with Lois and Clark, which is bittersweet seeing as though they will not be a couple in the relaunch.

Clark still can’t let go of Lex

He’ll forever want to believe in him. Like SV’s Clark

*But Lois tells him words that I think Grant Morrison wants to forget about. Clark parents are what shaped him. I know so many writers want to make Clark dark and broody like Batman but that’s not who he is. He’s not amongst humans to lord over them or examine them like they’re some experiment: he’s one of them for he was raised with love by humans.

It’s just that simple

And in love with one

The reason why they’ve been an enduring couple. Lois gets him.

I wonder if Barbara and Dick will still be exes in the relaunch.

Written by Fabian Niceza, he managed to succeed where he failed in his final Red Robin by injecting sentimentality in this finale.

Someone’s telling the tale of Robin and how he’s learned under the tutelage of Batman.

And how Bruce affects and influences the Batfamily as a whole.

As the story is winding down it turns out that it’s Damian telling the story to three kids at a Wayne charity event; showing that he has come a long way from the murderous, hateful cretin he was when he came into Bruce’s life.

So rude

What’s special about these three boys Jerry, Bill and Bob, who have taken in Damian’s tale with rapt ears and are now inspired from his tale is that they’re named after Bob Kane, Bill Finger and Jerry Robinson the creators of Batman, Robin and many others in Batman’s rogue’s gallery. Bill Finger is also the creator of Lana Lang

“Never the End” is the most marvelous way to conclude. Whether Golden Age, Bronze, Silver or Modern, these tales are ever changing, always evolving and ever enduring.

~Appropros of nothing: Superhero neon signs

~Speaking of Batman… I saw “Contagion” (excellent film) and Warners must be really
excited about their upcoming slate because this is the first screening I went to that had

They showed “Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows.

Very entertaining

image Click to view

Another film I don’t remember.

Then “The Dark Knight Rises”.

I love puns

As soon as the bats began fluttering onscreen people began clapping. I was frozen. “What do I do? Do I cover my head and ears? I don’t want to see this.” But I decided to stop being the last person on Earth who has not seen this trailer.

image Click to view

The image at the 1:07 mark

I’m ready, Nolan. I’m not thrilled about Bane, but I’m ready.

The production has moved from Pittsburgh and they gave their thanks.

~I’ll leave you with.
One of the best Superheroes!


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