TV Stuff, Comic Stuff...

Aug 16, 2011 13:40

~ “Smallville” alum are working.

*Cassidy Freeman has been cast in a recurring role in NBC’s upcoming “The Playboy Club”. Her character gets to seduce Eddie Cibrian. This lucky heifer. I hope she doesn’t make Amber Heard fall in love with her though. Amber’s girlfriend is very pretty.

*Sam Jones III gave an interview finally telling his side to his arrest for drug charges. What he doesn’t explain is why he sold a sextape.

I feel the same way Alan

*AlMiles are possibly heading to the big screen again. The pair who helped write “I Am Number Four” (so what, I loved it) are once again attached to a teen book series. They have been hired by Summit Entertainment (who you have to thank for the “Twilight” SAGA) to direct Alfred Gough and Miles Millar to direct an adaptation of Andrew Klavan's popular Young Adult novel series Homelanders for the big screen.
Miles Chapman (who wrote the legendary “Road House…2”) will write the screenplay, which will be helped along in the development process by Alfred Gough and Miles Millar.

The series is described as a cross between The Bourne Identity and Disturbia, following the plight of a teenager who awakens one day to find himself tied to a chair after a whole year has passed him by. Once he escapes, he set out to finds those who put him in this terrible situation.

*AlMiles have kept good on their promise to work with Smallville alums by bringing on Erica Durance for a October episode of “Charlie’s Angels”. Erica Durance will guest star as Samantha Masters, a tough-as-nails, Glock-toting CIA operative who has a bit of a romantic history with Bosley (played by Ramon Rodriguez).. I bet Tom will be their elusive White Whale a’la Sarah Michelle Gellar who Joss Whedon could not get to appear on “Angel”.

*The entertainment site Seriously? OMG! WTF? reported FOX exec, Kevin Reilly’s thoughts of “Breaking In” returning to the schedule:
“…I like Breaking In. We all liked Breaking In. Part of the challenge we had this year is the high class problem. There are shows that we, unfortunately, had to cut this year that would have made the cut on other networks with bigger challenges. We had to make a judgment call. Breaking In fell a little bit in that camp. But ultimately, we had a very passionate group of producers and actors who wanted to try to keep it going. I think it’s part of that four comedy block. It still has a shot. They’ve agreed to extend an option, so we’ve kept it alive. You know what? Stranger things have happened. We have not ordered anything right now, but who knows? Family Guy was cancelled once. Seinfeld started with four episodes. You never know. So we’re going to revisit that comedy block, what makes up that four comedy block, a little later in the fall, and then we’ll officially look at Breaking In.”

In short? We’re going to keep dicking “Breaking In” around until we have to cancel one of our crappy new shows.

~My favorite titles have ended as the DCU relaunch is right around the corner. Last week saw the end to Bryan Q. Miller’s run of “Batgirl” featuring Stephanie Brown and Fabian Niceza’s “Red Robin”. I think Superboy’s title ended too but I don’t’ care because it was completely pants lately.

How did our heroes end their run?

*After its beautiful second to last issue, I was more excited about the finale of “Red Robin” than “Batgirl”. Sadly, the final issue was a big let down.

“Red Robin #24” ended with Tim revealing that he had assassinated Captain Boomerang, the man who killed his father Jack Drake in “Identity Crisis”. Even though Jack was able to fire off a shot, killing Boomergang, Boomerang came back from the dead. Like just about everyone in the DCU.

Robins and their pesky dead parents

*Okay, I’m trying to act hard, “Identity Crisis #5 and #6 was actually really sad with the team dealing with the deaths of Sue Dibney, wife of the Elongated Man and Jack Drake. And if Tim being on the phone with his dad when he was killed and his father trying to reassure him it was okay and not his fault wasn’t heart wrenching enough, we later see the heroes various reactions to these death with Bruce paying a visit to his parents graves and asking them….

“Red Robin #26” opens up with the reveal that Tim was orchestrating Capt. Boomerang’s assassination in a way only Tim could. He left these illegal breadcrumbs to see if Boomerang would pick them up. All of these nefarious choices would lead him to a certain death at the hand of a crimelord Mr. Freeze. Boomerang plays right into the trap, but when it looks like Boomerang would fire off a shot killing the Mr. Freeze, Tim intervenes with a plan to kill Boomerang himself. But this is Tim and he can’t bring himself to murder Boomerang.

After Boomerang is taken away by the police Dick, along with Damian, comes along and congratulates Tim on making the right choice though it was the hard one. Batman, the dick wither-er that he is, is very disappointed.

Which leaves Tim at a crossroad.

What I hated about it is that I believe Fabian was trying to help usher in the Red Robin for the DcnU with having Tim is a crossroads, thus not having his future set out for him now so that DcnU Red Robin could have his own path. And it annoys me to no end that it ended this way when throughout this run, Tim was never confused about what he was doing or where he was going. Even in #25 with a romance with Tam out of the question and his giving up school, Tim anticipated those sacrifices and accepted them so this created inner conflict pissed me off.

Though it was written a long time ago, I think these thoughts by Bruce still are true.

“Dick saw being Robin as a thrill. It's probably why he outgrew it. Jason
saw Robin as a game. It's probably what got him killed. But... Tim... I
have to hand it to the boy... He wants to be the world's greatest
detective. And from wht I've seen so far... he will be someday."

~Now for the gem! Bryan Q. Miller beautiful end for Stephanie Brown. The story itself was on the weak side due to Bryan having to wrap up the story for the relaunch, but it had what has been the cornerstones of his Batgirl run: heart and humor.

Check out Steph’s jaunty kick.

Steph has been trying to beat his group of assassins. In the second to last issue she finds out that the person behind the group is her villainous father, The Cluemaster. She confronts him and she is waylaid by the hallucinogenic he’s been using: The Black Mercy.

Thank goodness for nerds comic fans because I would’ve missed the importance of the Black Mercy. The Black Mercy was the flower used in the seminal Superman tale “For the Man Who Has Everything”. In it, Wonder Woman, Batman and Robin goes to the Fortress of Solitude for Superman’s birthday and found him in a catatonic state with a flower attached to him. What ensues is a tale that more than likely inspired “Supernatural”s “What Is and What Should Never Be” in which the Black Mercy has Superman’s mind occupied with a fantasy life in which he’s living on a Krypton that has never blown up (Jor-El incorrectly predicted the planet’s destruction and has been shunned by the Science council) and he’s a farmer living with his wife and two children. Superman soon realizes that there is something amiss, that there is something wrong with this reality, but before he could completely realize what it is, Batman, rips the Black Mercy from him, pulling him from his fantasy world and from his son.

It all works out though. Superman doesn’t really remember and he and Wonder Woman swap spit as Batman and Robin look on in jealousy.

In “Batgirl”, to distract her, Steph’s father grinds the Black Mercy into powder and blows it in her face. Before succumbing to the hallucinations, Steph gets off a batarang.

Not really. The green substance in the batarang deploys and binds to the intended victim.

Steph awakens in the hospital with her mother (who works at the hospital) at her bedside. Her mother initially doesn’t let on that she knows her daughter is Batgirl.

But she finally tells Steph she’s proud of her.

The ending pages finds Stephanie on a rooftop with Barbara Gordon. Two of the three Batgirls just sharing. And it’s golden.

~Another gem in the story are the splash pages of Steph’s hallucination that shows all the adventures Stephanie could have gone on. Truly incredible stuff. Bryan gives the directors cut treatment to these panels in an explanation behind each one here.

Taking on the Royal Flush Gang at her college graduation (See, unlike Tim she will graduate college)

Pairing up with Barbara Gordon and Wendy again

She and her superpowered girls taking on Queen of Fables
*Bryan said that he wanted to use Mia/Speedy, but DC wouldn't let him. I would've loved seeing them in an issue together.

Reteaming with Damian and Barbara to take on evil Lanterns

Time tripping with former Batgirls Cassandra Cain and Barbara Gordon, Lady Blackhawk with an assist from Skeets

Being a mom, having given up her child as a teenager (it’s reminds me of Chloe’s ending on SV)

Being a mentor to a young girl she met in previous issues, Nell who becomes Batgirl as Steph becomes the new Nightwing

*Dustin Nguyen who has drawn for some of the Batgirl issues made a farewell sketch for Bryan.

Dustin wrote: ”When I first started on covers for Batgirl with Bryan, his one request was to always have Steph smiling, even in uncertain times. Here’s our little Batgirl swinging off to her last issue. Thanks everyone for the support, I was only on for a few issues, but am proud to have been a part of Bryan’s team.

Indeed, Dustin was only on for a few, but he has made one of the best sketches for the run.

The History of the Batfamily

*Another interesting issue was Power Girl’s second to last issue where she attends a Power Girl attention. This is her address to the ladies in the room.

The ending of the horrible, terrible, nauseatingly disappointed “Grounded” storyline

Fuck you, J. Michael Straczynski

Fuck you some more, you hack.

The cool thing from Retroactive Superman?

I have the exact same pajama pants!

~What about the other shows I’m watching?

I am waiting for the return of “90210”.

90210 cast

Are you really going to bring trucker caps back, Annalynne?

It’s better than what this hobo is wearing.
*Why hasn’t Gillian Zinser’s character been killed off yet?

Will Navid get a storyline this year?

Will Old Man Teddy get one more fling before he’s cast off?
*And how great does Trevor’s ensemble look?

As does Tristan’s

Usually Jessica Stroup is the fashion savior for the show, but nope. Not today

~I’m awaiting set pics of Matt Cohen on the show. Until then I have to satisfy myself with a picture of Matt submitting to a stupid trend.


*The Hotchner Bunch is back! Thomas Gibson tweeted this picture of the cast’s return for Season Seven.

Even AJ Cook and Paget Brewster are back!

Thomas tweeted “They announced their engagement”

Then he tweeted his own engagement to Joe Mantegna. I’m waiting for AJ and Kristen next.

Gube gives his love to everyone

*What I love is that Shemar isn’t on Twitter, yet pictures of him are uploaded to Twitter by the cast.

The B Boys

Just chilling in a box like normal folks do

Thank you, “Caught on Set”

Little Gube. Adorkable even then.

Gube doing the damn thing
*Gube from photoshoots from Bullet Magazine and an Aldo campaign

Just being his usual adorkable self

His Aldo video ad

image Click to view

~ I’m seeing a lot of “The Secret Circle” billboards around town. I think it’s because of the one-two punch of Gale Harold and His Royal Fierceness.

My Liege, Thomas Dekker

Gale’s character one-sheet

Yeah, “Do Not Want”.

Look at his devilish smirk! Classic Gale.

Vintage Gale

*Who always gets left out of the promotional material and talk is Plastique herself, Jessica Parker Kennedy.

I like Zoe Kravitz-lite

~ “True Blood” has been pretty good this season, though I’m about tired of Sookie and Eric’s R-rated “Twilight” romance. I wish for Tommy a million deaths and I was pretty jealous of Debbie Pelt’s vagina for getting all that Alcide action.

The Jessica/Jason thing seems pretty out of nowhere. I get why Jason is pulled to her: it’s from drinking her blood and she’s a woman. Jason’s easy that way. But where did Jessica’s feeling for Jason come from? Tara? I don’t know what to say. I get her wanting vengeance; she deserves to get her power but she’s being crazy naïve. Why did she act surprised that the witch’s game plan was to kill all vampires? Did she not think that was where all of this was heading?

A “True Blood” alum who has been busy is Denis O’Hare, renegade vampire king. Denis took time off from shooting his FX series “American Horror Story” (created by Ryan Murphy) to get married to his longtime boyfriend Hugo Redmond!

He tweeted their pic from the Justice of the Peace

~It’s almost time for another season for the killer with a conscience.

Dexter Season Six One-Sheet

Desmond Harrigton’s looking good at the TCAs
He’s off of drugs, yes? I don’t know if he has ever been on drugs. I’m just looking for an explanation on why he looked so sickly last season.

Edward James Olmos is in this season

As well as the Mighty Mos Def

~Those dorks from “Supernatural” are on still shooting.

*Jared trying to work to taste of Jensen out of his mouth.

Little does he know I captured it all on my Flip!

Jared trying to be William Zabka?


Stealthly checking out Jensen’s butt

Their creepy, skeevy bodyguard tweeted this pic of the two. Apparently they’re asking fans to send rubber duckies.

Rumor was that Jared was in the running for “Conan the Barbarian” which was directed by Marcus Nispel who directed Jared in “Friday the 13th”. As we all know that role was won by

Jason Momoa!

Why so hot, Jason??

Even a bowler hat and mandals can’t diminish this heat

With wife Lisa Bonet and stepdaughter Zoe

“Ladies love me. What can I say?

I love Rose McGowans’ dress.

My Khal let loose at the premiere party

~Lisa has been lucky in love. She’s had some gorgeous, sweethearts of men. Her ex-husband Lenny covers this month Uptown Magazine and has a spread.

*Accompanying the spread were tidbits about Lenny’s life. Lenny talked about being homeless after an argument with his dad over Lenny going out to see Buddy Rich perform. He was lived in a rented car but still managed to graduate high school for his mother since she was the only one in her family to have graduated college. He would occassionally be taken in by people and one of these people were singer Teena Marie who he had a close friendship with until her death last year. He’s also an interior designer doing furniture and fixtures for his own company “Kravitz Designs”.

Zoe using the looks her parents gave her for Paper and Eleven.

~I finally got Sundance after my cable company changed my tiers around. I lost a lot of great channels,but Sundance has one show that makes up for me losing “How It’s Made” on the Science channel. “All on the Line” starring Joe Zee.

Joe is the creative director for Elle and on the show, he uses his experience in fashion to help designers get further established or help rebuild their names. This is the next step after “Project Runway”. These people have already had/have lines, but just aren’t making money. He walks through and shows them what is working or what isn’t and brings in a store and see if the store wants to pick up the designers’ collection. It’s really interesting to see this other side of fashion.

~I leave you with

Tommy knowing he looks fine

comics, tv misc, j-squared

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