SV Eppy: Supergirl and Homecoming...

Oct 21, 2010 02:53

In before episode five!

What I Didn’t Love

*Clark’s getting everything second hand. Lois comes up with the idea of slapping on glasses to hide ones identity, Kara does it. (and why didn’t they play that scene for laughs where Clark bumps into her and doesn’t know who she is because isn’t that the entire point of the glasses and different hair; so that no one would put it together that Kara and Supergirl are one on the same? The photographer calls Kara “the woman of tomorrow” , when that is everyone’s moniker for Superman (they couldn’t just stick with “Maid(en) of Might?”). I don’t so much as care about everyone flying before Clark-even though he should want to get on that because right now Shelby, one of Lana’s horses and Shelby’s monkey and cat buds from LuthorCorp labs have decided they want in on this action.

--but did the writers have to make Clark trail in every single way? Which leads me to this:

Change the letters around and what you get? RANT

The writers of SV have the benefit of having 72 years of Superman lore to pull from. They have taken comic elements and changed it up a bit in pleasing ways: Much of Lionel’s backstory was pulled from comics!Lex’s backstory (or at least one of them). Davis’/Doomsday’s origins was a mix of comics!canon and Christopher Kent’s origins strory. To me, Lex and Lana was the actualization of Lex’s feelings for Lois through the years in the comics!verse. It’s a fun mix of the past and the present and I have really loved how they worked it into the show, but none of these things has been as deleterious as what was presented in “Supergirl”.

The episode “Supergirl” is aptly titled, not only because it introduces Kara to the world as Supergirl but because the writers took the elements from “Superman/Batman: Supergirl” and foisted it upon Clark. “Superman/Batman: Supergirl” (which the animated “Superman/Batman: Apocalypse” is based on) is the story of how Kara gets corrupted by Darkseid because of the darkness inside of her. The darkness brought on because she’s frustrated about being lost in a world which is foreign to her. She’s further exasperated because she sees how esteemed and revered Clark is to Metropolis and she doesn’t know what to do with herself.

It’s even the same Kara block.

But presenting the idea that Clark has a darkness inside of him (they are really ramping up this “Clark wanted to kill” idea which is infuriating) as a way to make Clark doubt his path and his worth is insulting. It makes me want to smack Kelly, Brian and Tom (who as a producer on the show and as the person who has embodied this role for a decade and should know better) for getting it all wrong.

For a few seasons now Clark has had trials to endure to show that he is ready to embark on his true path, and I do find it perfect that in the final season it seems his last trial has to do with himself but all that could be worked out on the show without Clark being told and, even worse, believing that he has a darkness inside of him. I don’t get how not having “clarity of purpose” = not being “pure of spirit”. It doesn’t make me view this is a serious dilemma, but as a serious stall tactic by the writers. My reason is this: the writers have made it up in their heads that the endgame to Clark really becoming Superman is flight and the uniform. As if this is what he really needs to be Superman. Yes, it’s iconic, flight and the uniform are the two things we associate Superman with, but those two factors does not eclipse or make up the total of Clark’s character and spirit. Whether or not Clark Kent of “Smallville” flies or wears that uniform, for me this is Superman. How Clark helps people? That’s Superman. How he leads by example, how he refuses the easy out? That’s Superman. To me episode 22 is not where Clark’s story ends. Even then, flying and wearing the suit he’s still only closer to being the Superman who becomes legendary throughout the galaxies. He’s not that man yet and I’m fine with that because I embrace the idea of Clark out there still learning, but living this life of a hero and welcoming it. So wasting time trying to denigrate Clark as a way to explain away why he’s not flying or wearing the costume is so artless and does nothing to benefit Clark. Know what would benefit Clark? Showing him as decisive about what he wants to do and how it will be in his own timeframe and on his terms.

*The cop-out in explaining where Kara was during the events of last season. When we last saw Kara she gotten a tip from her mates in the prison yard Phantom Zone that Kandor was on Earth. All of a sudden it’s explained that Kara was searching for her mother? Did Clark ever touch bases with her to alert her that Zod and his army were burning and killing errbody down here? I suppose she and Clark could’ve had a phone convo offscreensville where he tells her the Kandorians arrived and some dispersed, which then changed her mission from finding the Kandorians to finding her mother, but why not say that in the episode? There are some things that shouldn’t happen offscreensville like Lois finding out that Jimmy was dead, Oliver finding out Clark was an alien and Clark showering. Those things should’ve been worked into the script.

*The real crime IMO wasn’t the character regression of Clark, but the terrible CGI. Faker than the lips and breasts of the Real Housewives of Atlanta, New York, Beverly Hills, Orange County and Washington combined.

*Kara: “You’ve been on Earth all this time and you can’t fly.” SHUT UP, KARA! You don’t have a butt, your opinion doesn’t matter.

Just like Chloe’s madness of the past two seasons, I don’t know if the writers intent is to show them as being wrong or is the audience supposed to like their stance. To me, what Kara ultimately stands for is Jor-El’s mission and that’s it. She’s not there to help because it’s her calling. She’s doing it because Jor-El (who I am not convinced is really Jor-El) wants to usurp Clark’s powers. And it’s laughable to me that she thinks that she can fly and be a successful hero because she’s not “beholden” to anything or anyone. Superman becomes a idol for millions through the ages and he has ties; he has relationships. So if she thinks that what makes her great and on her j-o-b is her lack of ties, then it’s yet again another reminder on how Superman trumps Supergirl.

What I Loved

*How Clark stood up to Kara (“You’d rather put the world and trust Jor-El than believe in me?!”). He faltered (which was so much like a older sibling, younger sibling thing), but he at least attempted to stand his ground and not just look on hurt as he was berated. He challenged her, he called her out for her showboating. He did it in a way that attempted to turn the mirror on herself to see how she was in the wrong and misguided. (I only like when Clark lets Oliver diss him. The make-up sex is wondrous!) But he was still humble enough to ask for her help.

Tom gave a excellent performance. I loved his anger, his flirtiness and tentativeness when reunited with Lois. I especially loved the scene when he was prepping to fly. I couldn’t tell if Tom was going for anxiety and fear or solely concentration as he pressed his eyes closed tightly and said to Kara, “This is easy for you, huh?” Either way, the insecurity was palpable. I love seeing Tom freeing himself up emotionally in scenes.

*I think I’m destined to love every Oliver scene. I loved his scene with Lois where he does his passive aggressive rant about her cutting and running, essentially telling her what he probably wants to tell Chloe on some level. Because as much as he thinks she did this as a sacrifice for him (wait till he finds out she did it to save the entire team), I think there’s a part of it that feels abandoned more than grateful. If he listened hard enough to what Tess was saying-how Chloe came to her because she’s the only one who could get it, then he’d realize that Chloe has barriers up and this decision wasn’t very hard for her to make. At least that’s my take on it.

*Erica and comedy go together like chocolate and peanut butter. They way she half-heartedly talked dirty to Godfrey (“That’s right, make him pay.” ) as she snapped the pictures was sheer comedy.

*I loved their Godfrey. They didn’t bother making him look like the cartoon or comics’verse version of him, but kept his rhetoric the same.

Godfrey railing against the “Just Us” league (get it? Because superheroes are selfish.) and Wonder Woman

image Click to view

It’s especially witty that Godfrey is shown to be a hypocrite; not dissimilar from some politicians, some religious leaders or pundits like Glenn Beck and Bill O’Reilly, who throw stones from their glass houses.

*Someone pointed out something I completely missed-that Lois looked like Mercy Graves when was driving the limo.)

*I was thinking (hoping) that it was a Lady Blackhawk shout-out.

*A fetish club on “Smallville”! (and named Desaad, which is a extra, little bit of awesomeness) This is truly “Smallville: Metropolis”. Smallville: S&M. Smallville has never shied away from fetishism on the show: Lex bound in every other episode, Oliver in leather. And while “Supergirl” reveled in female bondage:

Lois vs. Dean Winchester. Who is the best damsel in distress?

The show is at least fair when it comes to the men. Thank you show!

Godfrey getting BBQ sauce hot wax poured on him

Bonus kinky things on the show:



Other Bits

*The opening title seems much longer without Allison Mack in it. They should shorten the song or just put in more shots of Tom shirtless. I’ll take more shots of shirtless!Tom.

*Godfrey said, “Truth, justice and the American Way”!

*Gloryhole. You’re doing it wrong, Oliver.

*I hope Justin’s pants are riding up because I hate to think he waxed his lower back hair.

From “Savior”

*Keep up the beefcake, Justin.

*Godfrey knows Lois and Oliver dated? They were together for twelve seconds, when did they become a notable couple?

*We’ve had two weeks of “The Dark Knight” and now Oliver’s “coming out” scene was taken from “Iron Man”, down to Oliver not giving the exclusive to someone he slept with. Next superhero films SV will steal from will be “Superman 2” with Clark wrapping Darkseid in cellophane for some reason and the “Batman and Robin” where Clark’s nipples will protrude through his shirt for the entire hour and he’ll

*Godfrey: “She may fly, but I have a feeling that blonde bimbo is no angel.”

Why do you call Kara a bimbo, Gordon? She’s not a bimbo. She’s just drawn/sculpted that way.

*Lois called Kara Power Girl. Cute. Very cute. Also, she wishes she was stacked as PG.

* Godfrey (to Lois): “A connection of mine who has toyed with him gave me evidence that the Archer is really a certain depraved playboy.” Rick Flagg is a snitch! There’s a code of silence between a Master and its Sub?

*Clark beats himself up over Jonathan’s death, but I don’t see Oliver losing any sleep over how he treated his parents the last time he saw them (the first 3 minutes).

image Click to view

After watching “Supergirl”, I thought that it was one of the worst episodes for Clark. Overall it wasn’t terrible at all, but I hated how they pumped up Kara over Clark. I thought the writers could only go up from there.



It was beautiful on a lot of levels. I don’t think they’ll get an opportunity to do a fully intergrated clip show and until I saw the past clips, I didn’t even know that I wanted to see something like that on SV. It was an outstanding way to bridge the past to the future. I really wish though that they had gone a bit further with the clips. They could’ve swapped out that odd and too long scene with Lois and the Punch Lady and put in a scene or two where Clark is walking down the halls and thinking of Whitney or Pete or even remembering when Lex dropped him off at school. It felt it was mostly a way to put closure to the his ties to Lana and Chloe, thus reassuring Clois fans of Lois’ place in Clark’s life….as if the world doesn’t know that.

What I Hated

The only thing I well and truly hated and I mean HATED..hated like, I’m not quite sure if I hate Steven DeKnight or this resolution more and ya’ll know I hate Steven DeKnight. I hated the shortcut they’ve taken with Clark finally getting on the clue bus (after the clue bus hit him and dragged him fifty feet) and gaining confidence about his future. I found it to be a cheat; an expedient way to progress the character without having Clark or the writers do the hard work of actually letting the fans see how he gets there. It’s like copying the answers to a math problem from a classmate. You have an answer, but did you really learn anything? What happened to taking a leap of faith? In the vision he says with wonderment to Lois, “You kept my secret.” He sees how she’s supportive of him and his alter. That makes it damn easy for present!Clark to finally tell her his secret and that he loves her. I don’t find it endearing that Clark only makes this move when he has concrete evidence in front of him that everything will work out. He had to have everything laid out in front of him to finally trust their relationship and trust that he’s ready. He had to have Brainiac 5 show him the events of Jonathan’s death to assuage his guilt, when Clark’s inner-peace should come from his own realizations and acceptance of things in the past. If there was ever a time to show Clark dealing with his mosquito-filled island, this was it. It made me feel that Clark is an emotional coward. Lois embarks on a relationship with him not knowing where it’ll lead, but she jumps in and puts her trust in them and hopes for the best. Ollie didn’t know what would happen when he “came out”, yet he did it. What are Clark’s emotional risks?

*The episode starts with Clark moping around in the loft-very regressive behavior-and he hasn’t been out saving people because he’s still woe-is-me over Jor-El not believing in him.

As if reading these mags will help. Although I hope he reads the one about leather jackets. He needs a new one.

How often has Jor-El actually been supportive of Clark? Clark speaks these grand statements about how he’s endured these trials and knows his destiny, yet recrimination from Jor-El shuts him down. I don’t accept that Clark has more trust in Jor-El than in himself. In the current issue of “Batgirl” (written by SV writer Bryan Q. Miller), there’s a great line where Batgirl tells Batman that her identity isn’t his to take. And I really, really, really wanted Clark to have that realization and take the stance that Jor-El can’t take his destiny from him; he wouldn’t give Jor-El or anyone that power over him. It’s not anyone’s to take!!

What I Loved

*It made me an emotional wreck and I love the show for it. From seeing early!Lana and early!Chloe and the Torch, I wasn’t sure if I would spend the entire ep in tears. I didn’t because of the “What I Didn’t Love” portion, but it was incredibly touching, moving, sweet and hopeful. They could not have picked a better director than Jeannot Szwarc to do this episode (and here I was wondering why he didn’t direct “Supergirl” seeing as he directed the film, but he was prepping for “Homecoming”). It was lovely on all fronts and it achieved the moving from the past (Clark burying Jonathan’s watch while wearing that ridiculous red leather jacket that makes him look like he’s on the way to a German disco) and the future. I think one of the show’s achievements is how they’ve shown Clark to be someone worth looking up to right now. From Ryan to the Wonder Twins and now Zoe and Carlton, Clark is shown as someone people aspire to be and he did so being the most mild-mannered person up to being a superhero.

*Tom’s comic timing. His delivery to future self; “When did I become so uptight….and nerdy?” was pitch perfect. An arched delivery like Ryan Reynolds and Chris Evans, two men who I think does action and comedy very well.

I'd hit both versions

But I don't think Clark gets that future!Clark isn't that uptight. He gets baked now and again.

The comedy bits worked really well in the ep: no one remembering Lois, Clark meeting his future!self and the FML look on his face when he sat on the throne. A look I think Tom uses each time TPTB talk to him about wearing the suit.

*The People Choice Awards need a category for Best Walk because James Marsters strolled through the doors like a BAMF. I’m crazy about men with great walks and Marsters has one of the coolest.

It was great seeing him again even though I don’t know what brought Brainiac 5 to the past in the first place (he tells him this is where his life changes forever. Had Brainiac 5 not come and shown him what he did and Clark accidentally ganking the ring, what would’ve happened?) . Great touch of having him wear green seeing that Brainiac 5 is green. Another bit I liked was that Greg’s license place read RACKNID and Lois mentions Ron Troupe.

*Zoe and Carlton as SV High’s new Chloe and Clark. I have a feeling the only reason Carlton would take Zoe to Homecoming is because he can’t bring his boyfriend Derek as a date. See, it’s not just the flannel shirt that makes him like Clark.

*Collie of course! Oliver was waiting for his call! Eff BBC, CNN and Dr. Phil, he needed to hear Clark’s voice. I love that code for Clark is apparently “calls. Clark is a dirty phone call. A 1-900 type of call. That whore. It’s what Oliver loves about him.

I’m surprised that the writers acknowledged that Clark holds a grudge and he does withhold his attention and affection seemingly only to the men in his life. After “Echo”, I thought he would be a more present friend for Oliver. And while friendship is a two-way street the way Clark shuts people out is damn near total. He doesn’t need his freeze breath to freeze you out. It’s how he stood silent in “Bound” as Lex confessed that he wanted to die and Clark looked at him like, “I’d give you a quarter to call someone who care but you’d just spend it on another slut, you cheater!!!”

The scene was precious! Oliver saw Clark come through the door and it gave him the strength to school that reporter. And when he quoted Kennedy, oh, Clark was a goner. He love men who quote things.

In this world of armchair bloggers who created a generation of critics instead of leaders, I’m actually doing something..Damn right, I’m a hero.

He told her.

*Next week Lana Lois gets powers.

~Clark got punk'd by Lex Luthor. Connor Stanhope who played young!Lex tweeted about his visit to the set.

Song used in the episode: Baby, I Need You by Kim Taylor

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