Smallville Eppys; Sacrifice and Hostage...

May 25, 2010 12:15

In before Season 10!

We open with Clark staring out of Oliver’s live/work/naked space window. Upon Oliver walking in, Clark says, “I let myself in.” I was hoping would turn around, take off his jacket and say, “Now I want you in-in me.” But no, he doesn’t, but there was still a lot I loved about the episode.

I was surprised that Justin Hartley and his writing partner Walter Wong were also listed with sole story credit. I knew they wrote the teleplay with Bryan Q. Miller, but they were trusted with the story concept? That can’t be completely right. That’s like little kids wanting to help their parents cook so the folks let them have a bowl and the kids throw in eggs, flour, vinegar, mayonnaise-anything to give the appearance like they’re cooking like the adults and the adults encourage it, but they have no intention of serving it for dinner. I’m very intrigued at how Justin and Walter got their hands (cos they’re writers, get it?) in the door.

That being said, I love how it was a roller coaster of an episode. It reminded me of an episode Peter Berg wrote for ‘Chicago Hope” lo so many years ago and that was like being on a roller coaster while playing Grand Theft Auto while jabbing a needle full of speed in your eyes, so Justin and Walter have a bright future ahead of them like Peter.

What I Loved

*That Chloe’s password to enter Watchtower (a place that has managed to combine the two states of the Luthor mansion that was pointed out in the SV S2 DVD commentary-it either has no security or massive security) was the date of Jimmy’s death (051409). This was pointed out by someone on Twitter and they wrote that it was Justin’s idea. (Any confirmation on that? Maybe Al Septien tweeted that it was Justin’s idea?)

Clark and Oliver

*Oliver (to Clark): “Clark, I know you like to see the goodness in everyone, but you know what this guy is capable of, right?”

Clark: “And I know what you’re capable of.”

Oliver, do you want some salve for that BURN? (how little did I know how accurate this would be)

It’s amazing that Oliver always looks so wounded, so stunned when Clark pushes back. Did Oliver really think Clark would take he and Chloe as a couple quietly? Does he think he’d forget that he “killed” Lex? Prepare for tongue lashings-and not the sexy kind he usually gives you, Ollie.

Also made of win? Jealous! Clark

Clark (to Oliver): “I want to keep Chloe out of the line of fire. I figured you’d agree with that.”

Oliver: Here we go!

Clark: If you want to make it a complete sweep of the Lane/Sullivan family, Lois has a sister. Why don’t you give Lucy a call, she likes murderers.

Oliver: “All right, man, I got your back.”
Clark: “Then suit up.”

Clark it is not the time for that!

image Click to view

Then Ollie tries to make it all better with “Clark, you know those Kandorians are not the only family you have here.” And Clark just kept it moving, letting Oliver stew for a bit. He can’t give in that easily, Lex appreciated that Clark was a tease, surely Oliver does too.

But when Oliver is in the hospital, the look on Clark’s face as he watches Oliver (and Chloe stroking his man’s face) says it all. Plus, Clark says it himself, “Oliver was personal.” Starting war? I don't care about that? But you mar that epic chest of my boyfriend? Oh it is own, sister.

Oliver and Zod

*How over-the-top some concepts were: Watchtower security, DNA cloaks (Tess didn’t get the DNA from all the time Chloe has spied on her. Let’s just say this explains the rash of missing panties from Chloe’s wardrobe), a device that burrows deeper into the host (because it’s “a mechanical parasite powered by the host’s biorhythms” of course) when threatened straight out of the Tom Selleck/Gene Simmons classic “Runaway” and other techie stuff. I swore I heard flux capacitor, Kobayashi Maru, Flubber and Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious.

I loved the sheer boldness of the script and the direction: Zod and Green Arrow facing off in a standoff complete with the camera closed in on their eyelines a’la Sergio Leone’s technique in his spaghetti westerns.

The Zod/Green Arrow showdown was great all around IMO.

Zod: “You are unmistakably the one they call Green Arrow, a rebel with many causes.”

I mean…it loses a lot without Callum speaking the words, but it was so *good* . I can’t get enough of Callum as Zod.

Know what else was really good about that scene? That Oliver didn’t learn his lesson in “Rabid” to pay attention to what he’s doing. He’s too busy being so proud of himself on the phone with Clark, showing off to his former boyfriend that he had everything under control that Zod pulled out the Kryptonite charge and ninja attacked him. Never stop flashing some skin in mirrors and being cocky, Ollie.

They had me at Stuart. They remembered Stuart!!! Brilliant idea to bring him back . And he was back and taking charge. He has his big boy briefs on. Wearing his Transformers Pull-Ups. Someone on Twitter also pointed out that Stuart looked a quasi-Deadshot.

Could be

The big question though is are we to assume that Stuart was the one who gave Waller intel on Watchtower and the JLA after Chloe “blackmailed” him into the fold? He could’ve gained further access and turned all the info over to Waller. I’m guessing this also means that Checkmate ordered Stuart to get under Tess’ employ so that Waller could suss out what Tess was up to and when she had enough information, she activated Tess back into Checkmate. I hope that’s the case because there’s no way Tess knew Stuart was Checkmate when she shot him, she would’ve gone underground immediately because by going in with Zod on the towers which would’ve helped him gain his powers, runs counter to what Checkmate was trying to do.

And if I was just okay with Pam Grier’s portrayal of Waller, this episode made me love it. She took a licking and kept ticking. Get thrown headlong into a car’s windshield (the same shot of Lionel being thrown into a windshield by Lex/Zod IIRC)? She shook it off and wouldn’t even stop to let Checkmate’s nurse tend to her. And she’s supremely smart because she knows how to run when a pissed off alien stalks out of a room filled with her dead colleagues. I couldn’t tell if she tapped Stuart on the shoulder when she gasped out, “run” or pushed him out of the way so that she could get a head start. See? That’s smart.

*Kryptonian ritual. Albeit few and far between, I love that the show has given us some insight in the ways of the culture. What that blossoming flower mean, I haven’t foggiest. How did they make it do that considering (to my knowledge) they didn’t bring Kryptonian flora or special Kryptonian water when they were released and good old fashioned Earth water and flowers can’t do that. Not even with some really expensive plant food and Martha Stewart’s green thumb. Is it done with their special abilities? NO, because that group doesn’t have any abilities.

Oh, he’s a nasty piece of work. He’s perfection. I loved how he tried to cajole and beguile Faora, using crocodile tears“Why would you turn your back on me? I shared my bed with you.” Then when she stands up to him? “If I ever discovered that my men ever turned against me I would raze this planet, I would burn it to the ground till the last ember went cold beneath my boot.” He was so cold and so evil, it was wonderful.

What I really thought was a good change was that instead of easily having Zod become remorseful and stay remorseful over killing Faora and their child, instead it galvanized him. Yeah for a non-sympathetic villain!!

Chloe and Tess

Have to love female power at work and seeing the two of them working together in “Sacrifice” as well as “Upgrade” was very good to see. They were prepared to meet their fates if it came, but in the interim they were going to find a way to fight. Great to see them Thelma & Louise-ing up the joint.


What I Didn’t Love

I’m all for Tess gaining awareness and for her being introspective in what she believes are her last moments alive. I’m even all for her passing on a warning to Chloe about throwing up walls that becomes your prison-that’s all good stuff, but it is when Tess saves her “last moments” validating Chloe and Oliver’s relationship…I…I

I was fine until Tess tells Chloe that Chloe gave Ollie a purpose. The writers forget that there is a difference between what viewers know and what their characters know. When Tess talks about Ollie’s purpose, to me that doesn’t mean that Chloe helped him out of his suicidal depression/rut, but that she gave him purpose in being Green Arrow. Tess has encountered Ollie as Green Arrow last season, at least twice, so it’s not like she thinks he put on the costume because of Chloe. Maybe I’m taking her words too literally. If they had put in one scene in “Checkmate” where after Oliver refuses Tess she sees him and Chloe walking off together, I could then understand how she is so certain about their relationship. But how it plays, it’s just seems that it comes out of nowhere.

Also, when Tess says she wishes she could’ve given Oliver purpose it makes me ill. I just expect more from Tess. What she’s thinking is very real: that she could change her man (cos we know that Oliver acted like a cad during their relationship), but whatever happened to her post-Oliver was traumatic and life-changing so I can’t fathom why we weren’t given a chance to know about that stuff; what made her build up her walls, instead of being given “Gee, I wish I was a better girlfriend so that Oliver wouldn’t feel the need to make every vacant hole his target practice.”

*This is actually a complaint that I think can be applied across the board with every character on the show, but it was really bothersome to me in this one. Clark’s lack of emotion upon seeing Faora dead in the Fortress. No one on the show really shows big emotion, but Clark has been emotional in the past (watching Lana’s videotape, when Martha was pissed at him for marrying Alicia, when people on the BlurEtto boards talked about how ugly his costume was), but he was confronted with the body of a dead, pregnant woman in his home away from home, where was his horror at that; his horror at the fact that Zod killed the mother of his child? Clark walked in, took a look at dead!Faora and pretty much was like, “Another dead body in here? Where’s the Febreze?”

He knew Faora, he was trying to help she and her sister. This isn’t Alia who I believe he was a bit more on the fence about because her future self tried to kill him. I think it would’ve been better had Clark not been so measured. One, it would’ve built his defense that he didn’t kill her in the eyes of the Kandorians instead of just saying, “Uh-uh, that’s a lie! He did it!!” as if they were discussing a broken lamp. He could’ve shown that he cared about this loss.

And what’s worse than a dead body in the Fortress? The fact that they’re just flying through ceiling, shards of crystals all over the place. What a mess.

Other things
*Not a great show of faith in Clark on Faora’s part. She didn’t have time to wait and see how this was going to play out even long enough to pretend to side with Zod.

*Would it have been too slashy if Clark carried Oliver to the hospital in his arms? Is that why he had to be brought in by ambulance. But it’s obviously not slashy to have Clark undress Oliver (which he had toh ave done or else the staffers would’ve realized that Oliver Queen is the Green Arrow Bandit---or just loves walking around in green leather pants.).

*Chloe (as the vendor was packing up) “Hey, don’t tell me you forgot about your favorite customer.” Chloe’s conceit even extends to the vendors. I’m sure that nice man has a wife to go home to; she probably has a pot roast waiting for him and they’re going to have a grand old night watching “Wheel of Fortune” and Nova. He can’t wait in the cold for her to purchase a 69cent cup of java. She didn’t even tip him!

*I’m sorry Tess, I like you and all, but Chloe had the best revival by adrenaline to the chest in S4’s “Truth” ::Kanye shrug::

*Chloe: “Okay, if I was hiding a transmitting tracking device I would want to make it as unassuming as possible.” Like putting it on Oliver’s belt buckle? Yeah, you thought I forgot that didn’t you, Chloe?

*Chloe: “Just for the record, I saved your ass. Say anything about me or mine, you won’t wake up.” That’s Justin and Walter, right there. I doubt Bryan Q. Miller uses that colloquialism.

*Maybe Clark shouldn’t have put up that Welcome mat at the Fortress. If you don’t know Kryptonese it reads, “Welcome Everyone. And I Mean Everyone.

It’s winding all the way down, folks. Unlike previous pre-finale episodes, I don’t think “Hostage” was meant to be a big lead up to the finale for it played closer to a wrap-up episode, like this was more than likely the exact script the writers had ready in case the CW pulled the plug on the show and needed this to tie up the loose ends : a reappearance of Martha, explanation of why she hasn’t been back, establishing Lois coming into her own and finding her own purpose and not waiting around to be anyone’s sidekick (and how fantastic was it when Lois saved the day of her own doing? And Clark watching and learning the lesson for himself that Lois and by extension, people are stronger and more resilient than he thinks and he doesn’t always have to fear that they are all they have. )

What I Loved

*Perry and Lois hijinks. Marvelous way of utilizing Michael McKean as well as setting the foundation for Lois and his relationship in the future. Loved their professional rivalry.

And the humor. One, Lois and Perry were delightful. It was as good as watching Jimmy and Lois in their shenanigans (which I really wished there had been more of)

Perry: “Look Lane, if for some reason I don’t make it and you do---
Lois: “Don’t talk like that.”
Perry: “It’s not pretty, but it has to be said, but I think I deserve first line on the byline.”

That? Was funny,

The entire scene with Perry and Lois at her apartment and calling Checkmate? Also wonderful. I wish all guest characters could be bridges like Perry was in this episode instead of just stunt casting. I love that they fully utilized Perry in how he relates to Lois’ career and that she has to look no further than herself for her purpose instead of just hitching her wagon to someone else.

I love that like Clark and Martha, Perry has his own secret

*Clark and Martha: I’ve always felt the thing that wasn’t addressed enough was the family relationship (which probably was not the case in early seasons since I didn’t really come in until S3 and watched S1 through 3 piecemeal). So any time I get to see Clark interacting with Martha I can’t help but love it.

I loved how Clark’s reaction to Martha’s visit suggested to me that it hadn’t been long since they’ve seen each other, suggesting that Clark visits her instead. The way he hugged her wasn’t a, “I haven’t seen you in AGES” hug.

I also like how it shows Clark’s growth not only as the man who shall one day become Superman, but as a an adult in his mother’s eyes. He was so tender to Martha, so comforting to her. He is now able to give her the care she has given him growing up. It was really evident in his words to her about needing the book.

“I’m sorry, but I’m going to need the Book of Rao. It was left her by Jor-El for me to save this planet. That’s what you and Dad raised me for. It’s my destiny.”

He’s letting her know that he understands she wants to protect him, but he’s not her baby anymore, she can’t shelter him. And Martha, unlike Chloe and Oliver, doesn’t tell him he’s stupid or wrong or leading everyone in peril, instead she tells him her concerns, what the threat is if he uses the Book of Rao and she lets him make his choice.

Also it was a cool little wink to Martha’s alias when right before Clark confronts Martha about her being Red Queen, the camera pans to a pepper grinder which looks like a chess piece.

It’s remarkable that in one episode we see an all-encompassing portrait of Martha as mother, lover, and individual.

What I Didn’t Love

* “What I Didn’t Love” should become the Chloe Complaint Space.

She confessed to Clark that she’s known where the Book of Rao was located for months but she didn’t tell him, which is bad enough, but what we have is “Injustice” redux where she wastes Clark time on another wild goose chase (because if he didn’t find it where she told him to look then that means the book is missing and she should’ve told him, “Hey, I’m sure even Kryptonian books don’t have legs so it’s obviously not there any longer, maybe you should try somewhere else). How is this helpful? How does she think this is a better use of Clark’s time since she’s the one always sounding the alarm about Clark being too caught up in Lois to deal with the Kandorians. Is it only acceptable when it’s her who is taking up someone else’s time? She could’ve told him upfront, “I can’t do this anymore.” So that he could get someone else to help him like Emil. He knows how to work that stuff. They could sit there, eat flaxseed chips and talk trash about Chloe and her fickle ways. Her statement about “wanting to plug into the real world” because she has Oliver sounds so damn hollow seeing that she only decides to return to her duties after Clark tells her * he * needs her. She wasn’t thinking about the team, she wasn’t thinking about how Oliver needed her as Watchtower, she just only wants to be the focus of Clark’s attention.

And this:

Chloe: “Clark, I want you to know even when I hurt you, I was trying to protect you.”

That’s not an apology, by the way. That’s just justifying her shite behavior towards him. She got bent way out of shape like Plastic Man (or Elongated Man if you prefer) when Clark did things to protect her, but again, these are Chloe Rules so when Chloe lies, misleads or just run roughshod it’s fine because she’s only doing it to protect people. Isn’t that the same line Lionel would feed Lex? At least Lex offered push back (and finally a push out a window), but no one counters Chloe.

*The direction. I love that this season the directing and cinematography have gone edgier, grittier, but the Tess’ mindscape sequence was too jerky and and jarring (although I did like the jumpcut of Tess being thrown against the bureau). I would’ve liked it better if it was done straight-forward after the initial introduction of the scene so that one would think it was actually happening.

*Waste of a name actor/character. Gil Bellows’ Maxwell Lord did nothing and brought nothing to the show. It was really the most lackluster and useless portrayal of someone from the DCU since the watered down Dr. Curtis Knox/Vandal Savage (Dean Cain) in “Cure”.

*Being spoiled! Damn, Google alerts picking up threads so I knew Martha was Red Queen. And boy howdy, is she.

His mom’s title goes straight to Clark’s head.

My big concern with Martha being Red Queen initially was that with his mother now involved directly in this mess, where was Clark’s safe haven? Overall, the episode made that worry abate, but did Martha kill Maxwell or was he just stunned because if they are making Martha complicit in murder even if it is to protect Clark I call majormegagiganticgargantuan bullshit on that. DC was worried about Jimmy’s age, but they’d allow Martha to have someone killed? I get killing a Black Lantern, they’re zombies and thus, already dead, but Maxwell Lord? Is it any surprise that Martha wants to protect Clark? No, she hid the key to the ship because she was afraid of losing him, she went to work for Lionel to keep tabs on what Lionel knew about Clark (at least that’s the official line she gave Jonathan ::wink:: ), but how far would she really go?

Usually I’m not too slavish on needing everything spelled out to me, but if I could just know for a fact that Martha didn’t have Maxwell killed or that her as Red Queen hasn’t gotten anyone killed, I could just keep it pushing and not dwell on if Martha Kent would be involved in murder (and I’m talking about the kind of murder that counts, not the one like her staking someone with a pitchfork in the barn in self-defense or Lana killing Genevieve Teague or Lex killing Roger Nixon or Chloe killing Sebastian Kane).

And has it been discussed who Martian Manhunter is working with? I assumed Maxwell at first, then Martha, but if Martha’s getting her hands dirty, I don’t want John Jones involved in that either. Is there another player on the board? And just how many players can be on a chessboard? I don’t know because chess seems as boring as Monopoly to me and the pieces aren’t even as entertaining. Who wants a horse when you can have a Rolls?

Other Stuff

*Hearing Perry utter “Great Caesar’s ghost” and Lois call him “Chief” was pretty sweet.

He's not tired of it yet

*I’m going to wank that being out of the home so long and returning and confronting memories of Jonathan that is making her so tentative with Perry because she was handling things pretty well with Lionel. She would’ve let Lionel wear Jonathan’s jacket, ride his tractor, melt down his football trophies, anything.

*There were at least three titles were mentioned in this episode:

Martha (to Tess): “You saw through Maxwell’s charade…”

Martha (to Clark): “…one of those lives are filled with sacrifice

*Clark (to Chloe): “I’ll be there as soon as I can. I’m sorta held hostage until after my mom’s family dinner.

Oh, show,you’re so funny!

*Lois (to Clark): “..If you can’t recognize my butt in a pair of jeans, what are you thinking about?”

He’s thinking about this guy in a pair of jeans.

*A mother’s love. Even if we don’t see Martha again, I will always remember the wonderful moments on the show and across canon of her love for her son.

We shan't forget Lara

I'm guessing Jonathan was a firmer hand seeing as that Clark has this ridiculous spanking kink.

~Great interview/video of possible Emmy contenders Matthew Fox, Bryan Cranston, Jon Hamm, Ray Romano, Alexander Skarsgaard and Matthew Bomer with Hollywood Reporter

sv eppy recap

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