SWM, Logan Lerman, Tweet watch, Paging Dr. Henney

Aug 03, 2009 14:15

~I don’t trust people with light eyes. That means actress Meg Foster, Chris Pine, Terrence Howard, my cousin Mo and especially L’il Ian Somerhalder.

See, Ian looks devilish and I think he’s a shit-stirrer. Which is why I think he had a truncated storyline on “Smallville”. Not so much about bellyaching over his arc (but I’m sure there is that), but because I think he was trying to worm his way into Tom Welling’s pants.

Or should I say back into?!
L’il Ian talked in an interview once of his partying lifestyle as a model and I think this is why he whined about how Tom changed. Ian loved those hedonistic nights of doing bumps off of Tom’s chest. Tom gave up modeling, gave up partying and took up golf and got married and all Ian had left was his still lingering desire for Tom. Which is why Ian pulled his own version of “Single White Female” and tried to mimic Tom.

See for yourself the damning evidence slight resemblance.

Check out the flash of Tom's hip

Don't try to act innocent, Ian. We all know what you're up to.

Tom can do ruddy cheeked too

I think this was the look that got Ian out of SV. Tom must've saw this and realized how close Ian came to achieving his look and had him canned.

~When does Logan Lerman
Logan will next be seen in the sure to be out of theaters in two weeks flat, "Gamer", which stars Gerard Butler, Michael C. Hall, Milo Ventimochacholate and Sam Witwer

I never watched "Jack and Bobby", but each time the advert ran, I heard 'jackin' Bobby' and I would giggle

Speaking of Sam, here are BTS of a film he’s working on with David Stathairn

He looks better with longer hair

~The CW’s ad department continues to be made of non-imaginative people.

They stole the show and the ad copy

Tweet Watch

~Since he's a vet of the WB and is CW adjacent because of his friendship w/ Jensen Ackles, I'm watching Christian Kane on Twitter (I haven't committed to following him or Misha Collins.) and it's funny because he's only done a few tweets, but they all sound like characters he's been. They sound burly and principled like Eliot, but alot of down-home goodness like the qualities that writers give him in fic and his initial tweet sounded like he begrundgingly accepted being on Twitter. It was Lindsay all over again.

~Still following Kerry Degman. Only reason I don't unfollow him is because his tweets are protected now so I want to stick around for any Chad White references (two so far). The reason I want to unfollow him, you ask? He tweeted about getting "waisted" on a houseboat. Another model stymied by homophones.

~Now I know why Dr. Emil was all duded up in that oneepisode.

He was preparing to do his solo at the Metropolis opera!

Allesandro Juliani song from the BSG soundtrack.

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~Funny (to me) Justin Hartley sighting reposted from this site.

3. Justin and Lindsay Hartley

This one made me feel kind of bad, honestly. See, a few years back I was somehow made "Smallville" point man at Wizard when we were still covering TV shows on the website. Aside from heading up an oddly morose weekly discussion group of new episodes that featured the interns, a guy from Inquest who hated EVERYTHING and Dave, I'd have to do semi-regular interviews with members of the "Smallville" cast or writing staff. The magnificent golden peak of this era of my work career was a Friday morning chat with Justin "Green Arrow" Hartley, who despite holding the stink of the WB's failed Aquaman show on his shoulders (well...Ving Rhames needs to take some responsibility too) ended up being a real treat as Ollie Queen. In our interview, Hartley came off as nice and down to earth as not just any actor I'd ever met but any person in general. He was gracious, smart and funny as all hell (the interview got lost in one of several Wizard website reboots, but Ben can back me up that when he talked about how Kyle Gallner was really short and how the Aquaman guy's balls kept popping out of his wetsuit...that shit was hilarious).

ANYWAY, Sunday afternoon I went down to the baggage check at the Marriott to claim my gear and head off to the airport when I spot the emerald archer himself in his civilian disguise, accompanied by his lovely wife and their young daughter who was cute as a button in a sparkly pink Supergirl outfit. Now typically I'm not the kind of guy who throws himself upon celebrities of any stripe even if I've spoken with them on the phone multiple times, but like I said, Hartley was a class act all the way, and while I'm sure he wouldn't have remembered one of hundreds of dumb fanboy calls he's done over the years, I have no doubt that he'd have been very pleasant to chat up after the show. That is, I figured he would be until I made it up to the storage room door and caught a look in his eye. Y'all...Green Arrow was piiiiiiiissssssssed oooooooffffffffffffffffffffff.

I can't place exactly what had his goat as I'm not one to try and eaves drop on other people's conversations, but there was definitely something about this baggage claim situation that was not going well for that nice young man. Maybe his quiver got lost in the shuffle? In any event, I'm sure it helped matters none when I walked up, gave dude my two purple tickets, had my bags in hand three minutes later and then went about my business. As I crossed back out, I caught a look in Hartley's eye that I'll never forget. It's not like he was giving me the dick eye. It was more a look like somewhere in the recesses of his mind he was saying to God, "What did I do to deserve this, huh? Did I not pretend-kill enough fat cats?!?!?"

Poor dude. King on the Comic-Con floor, stranger in the Comic-Con parking lot.

~I feel like I’ve been ignoring SPN. I haven’t even watched the Comic Con footage. I see the J2 is moving beyond fandom. Ted Casablancas suggested “ J.A. and J.P. had better slap a ring on one another so they don't let all their tech-savvy fans down!” after posting about fanmade videos.

But I have been following the various

Not SPN related, but I love seeing Charlie Hunnam walking

~ What is Chace Crawford up to nowadays?

He’s trying to lure Ed back into his bed

The many looks one look of Chace Crawford

Is he on his way to perform in "Cabaret"? What's with the blush?

He sweeps his hair back now because it kept getting in the way of him blowing Ed.

~The Glee gang is doing a Hot Topic ten city tour (I remember when FOX did mall tours of “21 Jumpstreet” and their other early lineup) even though Hot Topic and “Glee” goes together like Pat Boone and death metal. Tour dates.

~Hold the damn phone, son! Daniel Henney is in "Three Rivers" on CBS? Why do they keep talking about that "Moonlight" guy when Daniel flippin' Henney costars? And Kate Moenning?? CBS, that's just too much sexy for the Tiffany network.

~You can “Mad Men” yourself Avatar this! on AMC’s website. It’s like cyber paperdolls. I did one for myself, but since the show is set in 1960, I did one of me handing one of the men coffee. Trying to be authentic and all that jazz.

Another game is on Empire magazine’s website. There are visual clues to fifty films that you have to guess. You can create an account so that you can return to finish the game at any time. The more you think about it, the easier it gets.

~ There are new Tupac songs being released, which just goes to show

Chappelle Show - Tupac Sketch - watch more funny videos

*Some dude who looks a lot like Tupac, so much so that people would put spottings of him on Youtube. What if Tupac was alive? I'm going to listen to these new tracks and if he's rapping about autotune and President Obama, then I'll know for sure.

He even predicted the Henry Louis Gates scenario

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justin hartley, tom welling, ian somerhalder

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