From Barack Obama’s set at the Alfred E. Smith Memorial Dinner:
Contrary to the rumors you have heard, I was not born in a manger. I was actually born on Krypton and sent here by my father, Jor-el, to save the planet Earth.”
The funny thing is
Alex Ross designed tee
Someone has posted these here in LA along La Brea Blvd.
My friend bought me this special edition 4-pack of Jones soda. Barack on one side, McCain on the other>
*On another political note; Josh Brolin was on Conan O’Brien tonight talking about “W” and in his research, he found out that Duhbya eats two tins of Altoids a day. Is he giving everyone in Congress blowjobs?
SV: I have realized that since there is no stopping this Clois train, I’m just gonna sit back, take in the sights and do so with (hopefully) only slight whining.
::adjusts my seat:: It *is* nice seeing Clark smiling more.
SPN: Dean: “We have a lot of experience with strange.”
Considering that “strange” is slang for having sex with someone else while in a relationship, I’m pretty sure Jensen & Jared know all about that.
And the idea of Dean being re-hymenated makes me joyous because yes! Now Sam can take Dean's virginity!
Lastly, “Porky's 2” is way better than the first “Porky’s”. It just is.