SV Eppy: Wrath..

Nov 10, 2007 02:00

*I’m guessing from the camera being 15 miles back that it’s not Tom riding that horse. Don’t ride horses, don’t skate, what do you do? But then he smiles and it doesn’t matter that he can’t do any of those things. I bet he can text message better than anyone in the cast though.

*Clark: “Lana, a human with my ability could be dangerous.” Isn’t that how Jonathan’s heart was weakened? Or was it just because the taxing chore of having to pummel Clark?

*Ohhoooo, Clark is finally going to get out of this het celibacy he’s been basking in. I have to accentuate the het because we all know he’s been zipping around to Ollie on the weekends. Why else would he be in shape again?

*”Constant seismic tremors around Smallville since two o’clock.” RIGHT ON YOU TWO! Our boy really is Superman in the sack! Meanwhile Lex’s staff at the mansion recognizes the love earthquakes and gives Lex sympathetic looks as he sobs into his scotch.

*Damn Lana. She gets silky, glorious hair, the love of Clark and Lex and now she gets Clark banging her like a drum at a spirit rally. Lucky heifer.

*Clark: “I still have my powers and now Lana does too.” I now dub you “The Dunder Twins”.

*An Eric Summers reference. It would’ve been even better if Clark or Chloe would’ve said, “Now that I think about it doesn’t Jimmy look like Eric?” But it’s Smallville and we don’t nods and winks.

Chloe (to Clark): “Whatever extracurricular benefits this could have-they don’t outweigh what could happen to Lana.” Nice c*ckblocking strategy, Chloe. Play the death card to keep Clark away from your woman.

*Sometimes Chloe bugs, but she is the seemingly sole voice of reason in that circle.

*The gravitas of it all! Her anger, the broken mirror, the image of her smiling with her pony horsie, wondering who she’s becoming. Add a bad synthesizer soundtrack and you have instant Afterschool Special.

*Know what this all shows me? That Clark has an extremely slow learning curve. Eric adjusted quickly and now Lana.

*“break into any locked door?” Nice way to use your gift, Lana. Being able to have wall shaking, earth pounding sex with Clark is the best use of your gift.

*Chloe: “But you’re not a reporter.”

Lana: “I may not be, but I do have a story to tell.” It centers around this super pretty, super awesome girl whose parents have died and no one understands her but her horses and the woodland sprites who adore her and will one day do her bidding. That’s all I have fleshed out so far. There may or may not be a ridiculous plot device about a witch. I haven’t decided.

*Dr. Janssen: “That metal is sentient.” And now for those who didn’t make it past 9th grade……
Dr. Janssen: “It’s alive.”

*See! How come Lana knows how to control her heat vision? How long did it take Clark to master that? He had training wheels on that thing until Jonathan helped him out.

*Does Clark feel as bad for himself as I feel for him that now he has to rely on Lionel for help? Lionel the man who switched bodies with him forcing Clark to be in jail. Lionel who blackmailed Lana into marrying Lex. Lionel who Clark would find in the kitchen in the middle of the night in Jonathan’s robe drinking all of Clark’s Sunny Delight.

*Lionel: “She is not…may not be the person you think she is.”
Clark: “Well it’ll take her some time to get over what Lex did to her…” It took me a long time to get over Lex. I’ve only recently been able to watch a Porsche commercial without getting angry/horny/sad.

*Lionel: “Have you ever allowed yourself to take a honest look at Lana? Have you?”

Lionel is confusing the hell out of me. I know there is a game he’s playing, there has to be, but I don’t see what. The only thing I can come up with is that he wants to be the lone person Clark could trust and that way he could benefit from Clark’s greatness---when he gets to that point. Is it just proximity he’s seeking or does he hope to someday steer Clark into doing his bidding?

*Lex (to Clark): “You can skip the ‘you’re not welcomed here’ prologue.

LMAO! Clark actually looked shocked that Lex said that. Your pretty mouth only holds so much sway, Clark.

*Lana walked out of the mansion? Okay, Clark has that over her. He would never zip in and then saunter out someplace.

*I don’t know how many times I’ve exclaimed “OH!” “OUCH” “OHNO” or “WOAH!” during the Clark and Lex scene. This is Clark’s waterboarding. Hurry, baby! Curl up into a ball to deflect the emotional blows!

*Lex: “Funny, I was under the impression that she moved on. I guess it’s harder to cut that cord than she thought.” And by cord, I mean my penis and when I refer to the cutting I’m referring to how she misses having sex with me. You know it sounded better on the drive over here.

*Lex: “If she was so above board why wouldn’t she tell you about it?” Lex is finally getting loud with Clark. He has to to get through to him.

*Lois: “You’re not down with the people.” LMAO!

*Lois: “Was there a Joan Jett audition no one told me about?”
Lana: Who?
Lois: Joan Jett. She was the 70s/80s version of The Distillers Brody Dalle.
Lana: ::blinks::
Lois: Your taste in music sucks.

*If Grant was such a great editor he would have Lois do a story about how Lana Luthor returned from the dead even though her body was found.

*Why does she have to go around dressed like someone from Cleopatra 2520? A simple black pants and top would suffice without alerting everyone of your badassedness. Loved the spiked heels though. In between thieving and throwing people through windows she makes extra cash stepping on the testicles of middle aged paunchy men.

*Clark (to Chloe and Lois): “Lex said Lana broke into his safe.”
Chloe looks down slowly when Clark says this. She’s probably thinking, “He saw Lex? Now I know where the other seismic rumblings were coming from.”

*Clark: “She would never hurt Lois intentionally. As long as she has these powers she’s growing more aggressive.” “ No, Clark it’s not the power that is corrupting her. She’s already corrupt. The abilities are emboldening her. They’re a means to an end.

*Grant: “Don’t clash horns with the Luthors. No, I’m serious.” Hmmmm, a Grant/Luthor connection? I’m intrigued. Could it be that Grant is an interesting character?

*Clark: “What if for once Lex has nothing to hide.” Whoa! Did I step into a time warp and it’s 2004 again? I haven’t heard that in a while.

*Chloe: “Clark, are you pushing this theory because you really want to believe in Lex’s metamorphosis or because you’re already trying to exonerate Lana?” Ding, ding, ding, ding! But can’t it be both?

*Clark: “There’s something darker about her.” I’ve found all of these Hot Topic receipts and she bought the audiobook of “The Bell Jar”.

*I’m so glad that we have confirmation that Clark wasn’t being completely S.O. S (stuck on stupid) about Lana. He just didn’t want to look too deeply into the situation. All that he has wanted was a normal, secret free relationship with Lana and he didn’t want to risk that. It’s not that dissimilar to his trying to accept Lex at face value in the past.

*Lex: “OMG, Lana. What are you doing?” On my car with those heels on! I hope you remember your one semester at art school, Leather Tuscadero, because you’re going to re-paint my car.

*Chloe actually believed Lana’s story? Oh, Chloe, you disappoint. I suppose if Clark can overlook the actions of someone he’s in love with, Chloe can as well.

*Chloe: “Clark believe me, I had no idea there was a Le Femme Nikita lurking behind our little Florence Nightingale.” I hoped. I fantasized, oh did I fantasize. I even visualized the uniform, but didn’t know.

*Clark isn’t worried about Lex. He’s angry. Lex only makes those gasping, choking noises when he’s having sex with Clark.

*Lana: “I will dig up every track that you have buried until it kills me.” Oh stop playing. The writers don’t have the balls to kill Lana. But what a great line.

*I was believing Lana was really motivated solely by hate, but when she did the Clark move of ripping Lex’s shirt open, I discard that idea. A knife can penetrate a shirt, Lana. Even a really expensive shirt. She just wanted one last glance at the chest.

*Lex: “From knowing that Clark would never look at you the same way again. He’s not like us, Lana. You might not want to admit it, but we understand each other. Understand doing what it takes to survive.” I loved that entire exchange. Lex is channeling his own emotions about being on the end of Clark’s disappointed looks. Also, it’s just great seeing Lex trying to angle out of being killed. Appealing to Lana’s former need to belong was very savvy.

*Lana: “I have to take care of your unfinished business.” OHNOSHEDIDN’T! The implications are wild. What did Jonathan and Martha say to Clark in “Red” about the red kryptonite

“You’re too afraid to get blood on your hands.” “How many people would still be alive if you got rid of Lex a long time ago?” Okay, that is the Technical Knockout of the night. It’s fine Clark, stay down. I’ll get you some Gatorade and your very special pillow that you nicknamed Rick.

*Clark: “Lana, I’m taking Lex out of here.” One: bad job in post. It sounded as if he recorded that in his bathroom and 2) He’s taking Lex out of harm’s way again cos he wuvs him :)

*Lana: “You could do anything. All you’ve done is hide out on some farm.”

This is too good.” She means it in a hurtful way, but it’s nothing that Bart, Ollie, Jor-El and Kara haven’t told him. Don’t treat your abilities as a liability. There’s so much more you can do. And he’d certainly do it with more grace and mercy than Lana or anyone else with his abilities. Maybe that’s what he needs to embrace: it’s not the abilities that make him super, but how he lives his life as a person with those abilities.

*Clark: “I protected the people I care about. At least I tried to.” Oh, Clark.

*Clark (to Lex): “You’ll never just let her (Lana) walk away.” Isn’t that exactly what he did? Lana’s the one who went George W. Bush Administration on Lex and started spying.

*Lex: “The funny thing about obsession is it outlives everything-even love.” Okay, I need a nap. That was too good that I can’t even take it. I need to lie down. And Michael says it so offhandedly as he takes a sip….damn. Just damn that was good.

*Clark: “Lana would’ve never done anything like this before she’d been with you.” Tell him Clark. He’s a bad influence. It starts out innocently enough: some underaged drinking, some stolen kisses in the kitchen as his parents are in the living room and then BAM! You’re on your back on a conference room table being screwed by German businessmen with a webcam trained on you.

*Lex: “I wish I could take the credit, but I wasn’t the first person to teach her about betrayal, now was I?” Stop hurting Clark! Besides, we should give honorable mention to Lana’s mom for passing off Lana’s stepdad as her biological dad.

*Lex: “It’s hard to face what you created, isn’t it?” ::faints::

*Chloe: “She (Isis) even marched to the end of the earth to help jump start the man she love. I want Clark to have that kind of loyalty in his life, but I’m not sure if it’s from you.” Wow, Chloe is showing where her allegiance lies.

Their entire scene is just incredible. It’s too, too good.

*I would rag on the scientist for standing there, watching the goo slither between her fingers and letting it crawl up her hand, but when I was a kid I broke a thermometer and rolled the mercury in my hand as if it were Play-Doh so I have no ground to stand on.

*Lana: “I was trying to save your life.”
Clark: “And that justifies everything?”
Lana: “I’m not going to apologize for going to extremes to protect the person I love.”
Clark: “You sound like Lex.”

That sounds like the writers are implying that Lex goes to extremes to protect him Clark because he loves him. This entire episode has been a dream, hasn’t it? At the end of the episode they’re going to show Martha coming out of the shower and walking into the bedroom and telling Jonathan about the fanciful dream she had about having a bisexual alien son. She’ll artfully avoid telling him about the billionaire mogul she was shagging in the dream.

The entire end scene is so rich and steeped in heartbreak. I could just write down every single word that was uttered. It was perfect.

It’s a shining moment for Tom and Kristin. Tom plays hurt and dismayed beautifully. He’s making my heart break for Clark. Character-wise, it shows tremendous growth on both of their parts: Lana pulling back her own mask and forcing Clark to accept her as she is and Clark who seems to be finally pulling his head out of the sand to really see her.

And the song that just made the scene: Spell: Marie Digby

*Next week: Wittle Clark goes running to his mommy not unlike every other girl who has problems with her boyfriend.

Completely unrelated thing: I'm finally getting around to watching Monday's episode of "Chuck" and damn if Matthew Bomer didn't look like Superman. I think they should use him in the JLA film. Or if for some horrible reason they decide to not use Brandon for the Superman Returns sequel, they should revisit hiring Matthew.

sv eppy recap

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