went to see
Jane Eyre at the new
Guthrie Theater on March 26th. It was so good. I have never read the book (I tried once, but find Bronte a little dry) but I did see the
BBC movie with Timothy Dalton and just loved it.
The play was adapted by the same person who adapted Pride & Prejudice for the stage, which I had also seen at the Guthrie, but in the old building.
This new building is so nice! It is just beautiful. I especially like the
"endless bridge". The view is spectacular, especially at night when we went with the skyline all lit up.
I liked how the play was presented. There was an older version of Jane that wondered about the stage at times. Sometimes she was not on the stage at all, but she would show up during key moments and talk to us, the audience. It was like we were reading the book (she did refer to us as "dear reader" once). But a few times, she interacted with her younger self. It was really neat. I told my friend, it would have gotten old if that went on for a great deal, but it was at just the right moments.
I thoroughly enjoyed it.