at long last...

Mar 24, 2013 12:07

i start my new job (career?) tomorrow.

i hope i like it and i hope it leads me to new and better horizons. :)

i had the whole winter off though tomorrow they call for "snow" *ahem*, 4-6 inches possible, though i don't see how it IS possible considering it's not supposed to get below freezing. didn't we just do this two weeks ago and nothing but rain happened? but whatever.

i'll be superpissed if they close down and i go there to find an empty building and no one has told me because they don't know where i am. lol

anyway... the people who originally hired me have been super supportive and both seemed sad that i wouldn't be working there. me too. but c'est la vie, things happen for a reason, right? right. that's my story and i'm sticking to it.

my "maternity leave" with my cats as Aunt Buba pointed out, and my "sabbatical" as LJ User Morigian called it, are over. the winter of my content has ended. i'm five chapters away from finishing the edits on my first novel and i'll be a working girl again come monday.

so i'll have less time for yoga but i'll get a paycheck again! woo hoo!

just in time, too. i have a bridal shower and bachelorette party to plan! :)

Crosspost from There are

jobhunt, state of me

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