the grateful post

Nov 21, 2012 21:23

some silly, others not.

i'm grateful for a cow-orker who showed me how to scroll my new smartyphone. i'm much less annoyed with it. this is the same cow-orker who helped me sort through the Verizon site statistics for smartyphones after i had narrowed down my options to 4, and this phone was one of the 2 left that he felt were "decent". i agree.

i'm grateful that i have nothing better to do tonight than loaf, watch Back to the Future and Charlie Brown Thanksgiving on TV. i'll do my side dish tomorrow and TWD will do his devilled eggs. we're going to someone else's house for Thanksgiving.

i'm grateful that i have "Decisions" to make regarding a certain opportunity that has officially been presented. pros and cons will be weighed.

i'm grateful that i have a wonderful family who loves me even though they are so very far way.

we're doing our name drawing tomorrow and i swear i can hardly think of anything to put on it--i am so blessed. i'm grateful that i honestly don't want for anything this year!

i'm grateful for friends and the gatherings and events and evenings and phone calls and technology that keeps us connected.

i'm grateful when i remember it was almost a year ago when i wasn't sure if Azrael would make it through her horrible illness. but she's doing better all the time and her cattitude is returning. i'm also grateful when i think how far along she and Gabby have come in their relationship. on the bed! sleeping! touching tails! no one was injured! miracles do happen. :)

i'm grateful for my health. my knee twinges are so rare and my rosacea, safe for a few minor bumps seems to be under control. my headaches are occasional, but manageable. all this makes me so grateful to not be at the worst and most miserable and painful stages. i suppose i'm stronger for it, and maybe patient, but i'm still extremely grateful to be past it. (thank you science.)

i'm grateful for yoga which helps my mental and physical health both. i think i would have asploded by now in a fit of spontaneous combustion had i not discovered it all those years ago. i think TWD is grateful for my yoga, too. yoga makes happier, calm, sane dawny. ;)

which brings me to TWD. i'm grateful for TWD and for his love and support every step we take. i think that most of all makes me the luckiest girl in the world.

Crosspost from There are

hollies and jollies

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