fall has arrived--vacation is over

Sep 27, 2012 20:13

my family has gone home as of today. we took mom and her husband to the airport on tuesday and buba and i had a couple days together, and she went back today.

i have to go back to work tomorrow. just a day, then i'm taking a personal day monday (i know. i'm so lazy. *g*) figured with a doc appointment that day in the middle of the day anyway and a Mary Kay party that evening, i may as well eaaaase back into that "work" thing it is i do. what do i do anyway? it's been so long! a whole week! i could have taken tomorrow too, but may as well read a crap ton of email and catch up on the goings ons. i think i have to turn in a timesheet tomorrow anyway so there is that. or is it pay day? jeez. i don't even know anymore. will i find my office? ;)

vacation with my family was lovely. except for the very beginning when they missed the connection to BWI due to a malfunctioning plane and had to be rerouted on a plane that left four hours later (and the message was not relayed to me clearly so i sat in BWI for an extra four hours waiting) the whole vacation was a dream. i hope it means mom will want to come visit me more! it's been five years since the last time--this was their tenth anniversary trip. i told them not to wait until their twentieth.

but they both LOVED the faire and meeting everyone and seeing all the shows and wandering around. mom had been one other time, but he had never been TO a big faire (just a small weekend festival) so this was a big experience for him. also... he dressed up. :) thanks to The J's, we got him some piratey garb and hat and stuff, and my mom borrowed some of my things, and they both looked great. t'was awesome. fun to play dressup, too. heehehe.

Friday we went to see downtown my hometown, a local winery, Monday we he must have been in an exceptionally good mood the whole trip. kinda funny though, monday night she was falling asleep by 8:30. she didn't want to go to bed and "miss" anything, but she was exhausted from the previous 2 days at faire and then hiking through the woods (and drinking wine--not necessarily in that order).

meanwhile, TWD took off this week too to get some work done in the bathroom. it's going, but progress is slow. some tiling happened, but not a lot AND the painting on the wall hit a snafu when the primer didn't stick to the wall below it. so--yeah. now it's thursday and we're not much further after a whole week than we were before. but some progress happened so that's still good. i swear though, if it's not done by the halloween party ... i am just not going to think on it.

so after aunt buba and i dropped mom and her husband at the airport, we went to annapolis for the afternoon!!! yes, i printed maps and found a parking garage and we got a magazine with another map in it. i didn't have a smarty phone or a GPS or anything. we didn't get lost ONCE. har har. walked up and down old town streets and the waterfront, went into some way-cool shops, and went to the historic William Paca house. i think the Ladew house in Harford County is more authentic and the tour less rushed, but whatever. it's still a nice house and they didn't rush us out as fast as the Mount Vernon house which was 20 minutes from start to finish and FOR GOD SAKE DON'T ASK QUESTIONS!!! NO TIME! RUN, WOMAN, RUN!!! (at least the grounds are nice and you can take your time--this goes for all the houses.)

yesterday, we INTENDED to do more stuff. but we didn't. we sat around and watched movies. loafed, drank wine, and went to yoga class (not necessarily in that order) buba's first EVAR yoga class. i was proud of her and happy she went with me. she was pleased she could do more than she thought so now she's going to check out some DVDs and see what else is possible. :) i hadn't been since last Thursday and was missing it.

went again tonight and it was great. new teacher for beginning yoga. it was a little simple for me, but it still felt great. i am finishing up GarbLaundry (TM) while TWD is at fencing. he was so great this whole week. i'm sure a lot of boyfriends/husbands dread the idea of the Fam coming to stay for a week, but he's so easy going about it. he just rolls with it. even made a great pancake breakfast for everyone and just goes with the flow. chats and visits and hangs out and took the day to go to the winery and hike the woods with us. it means a lot to me that he wants to spend time with my family, too, and it means a lot to them, too. i know his rare vacations are usually spent going to see them which may not be fair, but he never complains. i love him for it.

so now the house is quiet except for some soft music. even the cats are asleep. oh, Azrael had a bath today. she lay on my lap while i towel-dried her after and for the next twenty minutes, she dried herself off while laying against my chest as i leaned back. i had my legs up so she was cradled on her back against my legs and chest. she took the opportunity to clean her belleh that she usually can't reach so well. lol. it was too cute. only problem with that is my butt fell asleep, but i didn't want to move. she's not a lapcat, so this miracle was something i didn't want to ruin by moving and startling her off my lap. i think she must not mind baths too much and really, she does need them sad to say. she gets debris in her fur from her lack of grooming. even Gabby tries to groom her. not sure why she only grooms herself after a bath. so i know she can, she just... doesn't.

meanwhile, except for one incident (sunday when we were home late from faire) she's been good the whole time we've been home, even while we've been in and out. so, i'm just wondering if she's lonely or mad. sigh. crazy cat. we're going to try to get them both back on the toilet again and we're down to one litter box and the toilet pan. she uses the toilet sans pan almost every time while we're home anyway, so if it's a behaviour thing, the boxes aren't helping. i'd rather not clean the box if i have to clean the carpet anyway.

hm... i obviously haven't had much chance to get online in a week. ramble ramble. ramble.

i think i might go get a smarty phone before the end of faire though. maybe shortly after. i'm won over from the fact my GPS went on the fritz and a friend had her smarty phone to route us through obnoxious SURPRISE construction. there are just too many things that i think, "if i had a smarty phone, i could look that up." so yeah. i'm sure by the end of the year, i will have one.

plus, i could have been posting more often. iff'n i had a smarty phone. and this wouldn't be so randomly rambly.

p.s. i loaded my fall icons today!!! what an oversight not to do THAT before i vacated the internets.

Crosspost from http://dawntreader.dreamwidth.org/2022399.html. There are

family, kitty, twd, vacation

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