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pyratelady July 5 2012, 18:10:47 UTC
I can totally relate. It IS just poop, but sometimes that's all it takes to make you lose your sh-well, you know what I mean.

Beth took an ENORMOUS SHIT in her diaper once, when we were out in public. I mean, it could have been so much worse... we were actually leaving the grocery store with our purchases instead of still in the store.

But she was wearing a diaper, so what's the big deal? The diaper was so overloaded it would. not. stay. ON. It kept falling down around her ankles when she tried to walk with me. I had to finally give up and take it off of her and throw it in the trash can. She had poop on her dress, on her legs, on her butt, up her back... and. on. her. SHOES. Oh mah gaaaaahd.

So I calmly stripped her. I calmly made her stand next to the car while I wiped her down with about 20 dozen baby wipes. While it seemed like the entire population of Gaithersburg drove by, staring at us. (of course they weren't, they were driving, but it felt like they were) I calmly wrapped her in a towel (because of course 20 dozen baby wipes wasn't enough) that I kept in the trunk for messy emergencies. I calmly put her in her car seat and drove us home. Where I calmly carried her into the house and sat her in a bathtub with water in it. Then, after I put away the groceries that had to go into the freezer, I sat down and cried for about 10 minutes.


dawntreader90 July 5 2012, 18:31:26 UTC
yes, exactly like that.

heh. we even have kitty wipes. (yes, they really make kitty wipes.) i didn't think of using them until afterwards. it was too much for kitty wipes to handle.


dreamaastrid July 5 2012, 19:41:57 UTC
Sorry but I reacted just like TWD. Reading your post just made me laugh. Thanks for brightening my day! Especially as I've had my share of kitty disasters like this the past year or so...


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