happy anniversary to us!

Jul 02, 2012 10:40

we celebrated 17 years yesterday with a Day For Two.

after breakfast (and my morning yoga class), we started off going to the Legends Vineyard winery near us for a wine tasting. we tasted a lot of wine. okay >I< tasted a lot of wine and because i had a bowl of cereal for breakfast, i got tipsy because i am a total lightweight. ;) such good wine though. i think they may be our second favourite for yummeh yummeh wines. (Basignani being our FAVOURITE favourite.)

luckily our next stop was literally Across The Street at a place called "Brad's Produce" which is a local farm that sells, um, you guessed it, PRODUCE!!! they have local stands around the area, too, but this is the CENTER of it all and we'd never gone.

we bought cherries, snap peas, potatoes, CORMS (nom nom nom), cucumbers, tomatoes, an onion, a garlic, and peaches. ... now to eat it all before it goes bad and DAMN i forgot to bring a peach to work for my snack today! phoo.

next we stopped by the house to drop off our wine (we bought half a case) and produce (i was okay to drive by then--in the heat, the tipsy wears off fast and i wasn't all THAT tipsy. hee!) and then we sort of, um, fell asleep for 20-30 minutes. i know. so exciting. :) we were just sort of laying in the A/C and the cats were snoozing and glad to see us and it was all quiet and peaceful and zzzzzzzzzzz.

THEN we decided we were definitely hungry so it was off to Joe's Crab Shack, a new place in town, for some seafood. delicious!!! it's an interesting place, can't say as i've been anyplace like it. but it was good food and we had a good time. just the right amount considering i hadn't eaten since cereal for breakfast and it was 4 p.m. so we had a huuuuge early dinner/late lunch.

then we saw Brave!!! ohhh, it was so sweet. we both enjoyed it so much. i really appreciated how it ended too which was not the formula i was expecting AT ALL. also thoroughly enjoyed the Pixar short considering it exactly mimicked how i used to imagine a thing happening when i was 4 or 5 years old and didn't understand exactly how the world worked. it was kind of amazing seeing something like that on the big screen. feeling the wonderment of something out of MY childhood imagination and understanding animated so beautifully was breathtaking. i got a little choked up. speaking of breathtaking, the animation for Brave was also amazing and beautifully breathtaking.

we went to get ice cream (for dinner) after the movie at the local dairy farm. we were not the only person in town with that idea. it was still 90 degrees at 9 p.m.! luckily we got there when we did; they juuust closed up the doors after we got inside. i had a scoop of Mixed Berry and Irish Cream and TWD had Andes Mint and Mocha Chip. we sat outside and watched the moon, stars, fireflies, and corn field. the cool ice cream and the somewhat cooling air (i mean it was 86 by the time we got home! i practically needed a coat! har.) was a great end to a lovely day together.

the only hitch in the whooooole day was going home to the cats at the end--Azrael is having some 'issues' we are trying to work through with her. not sure if she's not dealing well with the diabetes or having a bladder infection or what, but she's on meds for infection and we've given her back her litter box in hopes she finds it preferable to go THERE instead of a place she's chosen to go that IS NOT there. sigh. she used the box all last night (four times--woke me up every time *yawn*). but this morning she snubbed it in favor of using the toilet anyway. (yay!) so we'll see what happens. we're just worried about our babycat. :( we bring her back to the vet in another week or so--maybe sooner if this is still going on. sigh sigh and more sighs. i just wish i knew what to do for her.

Crosspost from http://dawntreader.dreamwidth.org/2005529.html. There are

kitty, twd

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