Apr 28, 2010 15:33
apples. red delicious. i think most people would agree they are red and they are delicious.
is it because they are called red delicious apples that they are red and delicious? or do we think they are red and delicious because that is how they are called? if they were called grey and vile, would we still buy them even if they WERE red and delicious? or would we believe they were not to be eaten? (it's probably best not to think about Granny Smith too long.)
which brings me to my point. (i have one.)
what about those disgusting foods that seem to be near-universally loathed? if they underwent a product renaming, would more people eat them? do more people buy "dried plums" as opposed to "prunes?" TWD can tell you from experience working the deli counter that people pay a lot more per pound for "Hormel Spiced Ham" but recoil in horror if you tell them go pick up a can of Spam for cheaps.
so maybe if brussels sprouts had been branded Green Tasties, they wouldn't taste so much like ass.
who knows.
... i think they'd still taste like ass.