Nov 26, 2006 08:03
this was a pretty good break minus people flaking out and the fact that i have done absolutely none of my homework.
did i mention its what like 3am and i have to leave at 10 tomorrow to go back to dc.
lauren and i drove around tonight, like we used to
wound up at b&n, as normal, to meet eric
then we went back to his house, ej came over
we watched tv, elephants, penguins and blank screen
i couldn't stop fucking laughing
and lauren spent her time put together a charley brown christmas puzzle
it seems that every reflective surface i saw tonight made me think i was seeing a cop
yay, tomorrow it's back to being across from mcfaddens and hearing drunk people ..although probably not tomorrow. and the sound of sirens at night. ahhh how soothing.
speaking of soothing my doctor put me on steroids to help my sternum and everything else thats wrong with me.. interesting..