Another Post! (gasp)

Dec 13, 2005 10:27

All right, I'll admit that to non-believers (hereafter refered to as "heathens") The Transformers Movie may not be a thing of worship, as it is among those most holy, but one must admit (if ya aren't deranged), that it still has some damn good lines. And how is it that recent insanely high budget films, with literally millions to spend on special effects can only attempt to match this with shite like "What happens when you hit a toad with lightning?" I mean, I spout "Bah weep grahna weep ninibong" on a chat channael and a half million people think I'm god, why can new movies not even begin to touch that? I'm not saying I'm hating on all the new films, but seriously, where did the story budget go? Must holywood go the way of the videogame? Nothing matters but the number of polygons? I do so hope that isn't true, as I prefer Final Fantasy (less then) 7, I similiararly seem to prefer older (and older style) of films, where 85% of the budget spent on sfx does not a better film make (*cough*peter jackson is a hack *cough*). Anywho, this is my rant, and cry for good films based on just people kicking ass, good lines, or good stories to surface again. Have fun all!
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