Jan 12, 2011 14:38
The phone rings at 8:47 a.m. I miss the call, but see that it was my husband (who has been unresponsive via IM), so I call back right away. I figure he's calling to tell me his VPN went down and he can't get online.
"Hi," he says in a voice that already spells trouble, "So... for the third time, I'm coming home with a box."
Shit. Deja vu.
It was a year and a half ago, almost to the day, the last time I got a similar phone call from him. It feels like a lifetime ago because so much has changed, and yet... Here we are again - back to collecting unemployment, back to a state of limbo. Except this time we're 1300 miles away from our loved ones, we're living in an apartment which costs $300 more per month than our half-house in NY did, and we have substantially less money in savings.
I know we're going to be OK. We have a lot of people looking out for us, and this is as much an opportunity for growth and change as it is a devastation. It's just a matter of wait-and-see, to determine where the Universe will send us next.