Moving, moving, moving...

Oct 20, 2008 16:05

My past year:

Got job at superstore. Survived half-year in small apartment with sister. Sister moved out. Enjoyed half-year in apartment alone, but failed to find roommate. Made agreement with friends to rent house for a year or two. Found house. Found out that house lease sucked. Kept looking. Found townhouse. Left job and moved home when lease ended and lived at home for three weeks waiting for the townhouse to open up (yesterday). Found out that truck was unavailable yesterday and had to wait more.

I'd planned on moving next weekend, but I just found out that my friends and future roommates will be bringing the U-Haul they rented here sometime tomorrow.

I am not ready to load things. I was going through boxes in order to choose what will go and what will stay and they're all mixed up. And, since almost an apartment's worth is stuffed into half a garage and the other half is needed for a car, there's really not much room to sort things out.

I've been told the townhouse we got is awesome, and I'm looking forward to moving in. I hope I get all my stuff moved tomorrow and don't have to stay to finish tidying up or anything.

Wish me luck?
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