Character Relationships @ exitvoid

Oct 30, 2020 17:42" border="0" width="80" height="80">" border="0" width="80" height="80">" border="0" width="80" height="80">
Sora" style="text-decoration:none"> ultimarecipe | Kingdom Hearts (post Blank Points)

Riku's best friend. Hero of the Keyblade.

Though older than the Sora he knows, nothing can change how Riku feels about him. Things are still kinda awkward though, since Riku still quite isn't sure how to act around him after all that happened.

★ → best friend/family/most important
★ → friend/absolutely trusted
★ → acquaintance/they are alright
★ → interest/don't know them that well yet
★ → neutral/disinterest
★ → unease/distrust
★ → dislike/stay out of my way
★ → hate/can't stand them
✖ → dropped

→ best friend/family/most important
→ friend/absolutely trusted
→ acquaintance/they are alright
→ interest/don't know them that well yet
→ neutral/disinterest
→ unease/distrust
→ dislike/stay out of my way
→ hate/can't stand them
→ dropped

code by candlejack | legend by ofragnarok | edits by fortuneladyicey

-cr chart, -ooc, -rp: exitvoid

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