Aug 09, 2006 13:37
Yeah I'm enrolled back in University!
It was lots of long distance phone calls but I am back in my program and need 2 classes to graduate. One is a core course, Cost Accounting for Projects, and then any 4th year elective I want... so from the choices I can enroll in, as many have prerecs, I have 5 options.
1. MGSC 368 - senior statistics class I haven't taken yet
2. NUTR 330 - basic nutrition
3. HIST 371 - history of the early middle ages
4. HUMN 309 - study of ancient greece
5. WMST 333 - goddess mythology
All look really interesting, and have stuff I would like to learn but I can only take one, so maybe suggestions from friends could narrow the list down : )
But yeah for being a returning student!