I never do this....

Dec 07, 2009 10:32

Because when I do, I feel so inutterably guilty. Part of me wants to make it all impossible things, so no one would ever think of doing it. Anyway, I'm doing it. And as soon as school is done, I'm going to surf through the list and see what I can do.

Step One

Make a post (public, friendslocked, filtered...whatever you're comfortable with) to your LJ. The post should contain your list of 10 holiday wishes. The wishes can be anything at all, from simple and fun ("I'd love a Snape/Hermione icon that's just for me") to medium ("I wish for _____ on DVD") to really big ("All I want for Christmas is a new car/computer/house/TV.") The important thing is, make sure these wishes are things you really, truly want.

If you wish for real possible things, make sure you include some sort of contact info in your post, whether it's your address or just your email address where Santa (or one of his elves) could get in touch with you.

Also, make sure you post some version of these guidelines in your LJ, or link to this post so that the holiday joy will spread.

Step Two

Surf around your friendslist (or friendsfriends, or just random journals) to see who has posted their list. And now here's the important part:

If you see a wish you can grant, and it's in your heart to do so, make someone's wish come true. Sometimes someone's trash is another's treasure, and if you have a leather jacket you don't want or a gift certificate you won't use--or even know where you could get someone's dream purebred Basset Hound for free--do it. Once a wish has been granted, it will be crossed off my list.

You needn't spend money on these wishes unless you want to. The point isn't to put people out, it's to provide everyone a chance to be someone else's holiday elf--to spread the joy. Gifts can be made anonymously or not--it's your call.

There are no rules with this project, no guarantees, and no strings attached. Just...wish, and it might come true. Give, and you might receive. And you'll have the joy of knowing you made someone's holiday special.

1. A solid color tan sheet sheet in a full size, 100% cotton. Tan, because it goes with the patterned set I have, and I can get rid of these worn out, not full cotton patterned sheets that don't match, and have something to put on my bed while I'm washing the other linens.

2. The first full season of Dexter, OR the first full season of True Blood, OR the first full season of BSG. I won't be able to watch it until I graduate, but I intend to do a lot of catching up then.

3. A pedicure. And time to have it done.

4. For Sarah Palin to shut the FUCK up and go away. Forever. (I know. Sorry. But I really want it.)

5. A new laser printer. The PagePro is slowly dying and both the paper feed trays are broken. No, I do not like inkjets. At all.

6. A gardenia. Jeff gave me a jasmine last February, and it is fabulous when it blooms. I know somewhere I saw in one of those gardening magazines that you can have a gardenia in the house and it will bloom. Maybe. So.

7. Marisa-fit slacks from Victoria's Secret, size ten, any color or fabric. Seriously. I bought a pair in tan and I live in them. I actually have a dressy pair that I wear for presentations, too, and I love them just as much. But I live in these. Oh, and I think the inseam is important. Let me check. 32".

8. For someone to teach me how to make myself--particularly the white streak in the hair--on the Sims 3. Because of an interesting quirk with the game, I can make a character, play it once and then let it go....and it will not age. So if I make "me," I can play it, leave it, and have it as an unchanging NPC for the rest of my game, if I want. I think. So how do I make that white streak, or do I have to know how to hack the game?

9. This is not something I want, particularly, but something I need. I have a 2001 Chevy Tracker. I need a passenger side mirror for it. I need the part with the glass that clips into the mounting itself. Just the glass and clips on the back. I don't need the whole mount that goes into the side of the vehicle. You would think I could get this fairly easily here, with two wrecking yards a few miles away. But no.

10. A subscription to a literary magazine of note. It doesn't really matter which one. Can you believe I am such an idiot that I have subs to Lucky, Glamour and Newsweek, but not Granta, the New Yorker, or the Missouri Review? If you do this one, go for something quirky I may not have heard of, but has quality work. If you can save yourself some money and expose me to something weird and wonderful AND support your pet mag a bit, great. Because if I like it, I'll probably continue the sub. If you LOATHE lit mags and just have to send me an SF/fantasy sub, make it a WEIRD one. I'll probably pick up Realms (if it's still alive--I had heard it was dead, then revived), Asimov's and Analog when I get out of school/hell/prison, so not those. But something really, really weird. Seriously.

email: dawnmipb@yahoo.com

It's spam filtered, so I'm not too worried about bombardment. Give me at least two days to reply--especially on a weekend, because I may be with Jeff and not have access to the computer.

And now I have to write my paper, and I can't surf to scan your lists until after finals, so flag me to your lists, if you would, in comments.

I feel kind of dirty now.
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