DBSK Numerology Reading Part 2a aka Get a Life, Lara!

Aug 04, 2008 00:21

Okay... Welcome to DBSK Numerology Reading Part 2 aka Get a Life, Lara! This part of reading is derived from their names. You will notice that I spelled their names very different from what we usually write. The reason is that I spelled their names in Korean romanization as provided by the lovely
halcyon_morn    here. As for Jaejoong's family name... I decided to use his adoptive parents' since he himself said that he will and is always been a "Kim". Hope this clears it up. Onwards~

FYI: Master Numbers are 11, 22 and 33. I didn't reduce the master numbers to a single digit (What you do with the master number depends on the reader. I prefer to leave them as is).

Numbers Derived from their Names


Expression Number

"The Expression number reveals the talents, abilities, and shortcomings that were with you when you entered your human body. Your name, and the numbers derived from it, reveal your development, as well as the talents and issues you will be working with during this life.

For those for whom reincarnation is an accepted philosophy, the vibration of your full name can be seen as the totality of your personal evolution, the experiences, talents, and wisdom accumulated over many life times. Every experience, no matter how great or small, along this evolutionary path has influenced your development, and brought you to your current state of being. The Expression is your being; the Life Path is the major lesson you are attempting to learn this time around. Time allows the gradual enfoldment of your personality. By reading the Expression number below, you will come to understand your basic nature and the abilities and issues inherent in your being."

JAEJUNG   1151357 Total23=5          GIM       794     Total20=2                   7
Your Expression Number is 7.

You are gifted with an analytical mind and an enormous appetite for the answers to life's hidden questions. You have a strong interest in exploring scientific matters, philosophy, and even mysticism. You possess clarity and persistence in your search for truth. You can be a great researcher, educator, and philosopher.
You are driven by a desire for knowledge and truth. You must learn to discriminate between illusion and reality, but you are well equipped for this task. Your fine mind offers you insight into the veiled mysteries of life. You also possess a considerable amount of perspective. Somewhere inside you, you are aware of a peaceful place that you call upon during difficult times. You need time to be by yourself. Too much social interaction causes you stress. You need your privacy and a place that can be shut off from the hustle and bustle of life. You tend to keep your thoughts to yourself and are secretive. Unless your 7 expression is balanced by extravert characteristics (usually revealed by the numbers 1, 3, 5, and 8), your introversion may pull you deeply within yourself, even cutting you off from others.

You have a strong dislike of the superficial and mundane. You are often surprised by the lack of understanding or depth of knowledge of others, many of whom do not take the search for knowledge as seriously as you do. This can cause you to be critical of others, and even cynical about life in general. The more cut off from others you become, the more hidden are your motives. Once you develop understanding of people and life, your advice and counsel will be sought by those around you who need your wisdom. You love to specialize your knowledge and develop great depth within your field. You are a perfectionist. You should complete your studies early in life and not be driven too hard by a desire to be successful. Let things come at there own pace, be open to opportunity, but remember your rewards, satisfaction, and contentment come from a higher source.

Sevens can be distant and aloof. When dominated by their darker characteristics, they can be unfaithful, dishonest, and cruel. Contemplation, meditation, and the softer, finer vibrations of life can restore your sense of harmony and keep you on the path to peace and balance. You have a logical mind. Your analytical skills cause you to approach a problem in a detached, surgical kind of way. Researchers, analysts, investigators, inventors, technicians, scholars, lawyers, bankers, watchmakers, priests, philosophers, theologians, and administrators in some scientific or technical field are among the vocations 7s are drawn to.

YUNHO   73586 Total11        JEONG   15657 Total6               17=8

Your Expression Number is 8.

You have the power and potential to achieve great things. It is both your challenge and your birthright to gain dominion over a small part of the earth. Whatever your enterprise, you strive to be the best and most successful in your field. You are highly competitive and will not rest until you are satisfied that you have bypassed the opposition. You enjoy challenges and rivalry. You are a realist and a visionary planner. Money and authority are available to you if you are willing to discipline yourself - generally an inborn talent - and persevere in the face of the considerable obstacles in your path.
You are dynamic and have a talent for efficiency. You understand the larger picture, see the broader challenges, and know how to marshal your collective resources to address the problems. You delegate responsibility well; it is best for you to leave many of the details to others. You are a great leader of people and an outstanding judge of character. You are demanding of those who work for you, often putting things in no uncertain terms: do it my way or don't do it at all! At the same time, you don't hesitate to reward the faithful and hardworking employee. You are not a particularly tolerant leader; too much tolerance violates your sense of efficiency. You go directly after your goal with courage and tenacity.

You have a natural understanding of money, authority, and power. You are able to struggle consistently after your goal. Eventually power falls to you. Within you lies an innate balance between the higher and lower characteristics of man. Your challenge in life is to balance your higher ideals and your understanding of the hard realities of the earth. Much effort will have to be put out and many ups and downs experienced before you reach the level of success you desire. Life will probably test you many times with obstacles that seem insurmountable. But in reality, these are merely opportunities for you to learn how to use power and authority in the face of difficulties, and to find out just how much power lies within you. It is crucial for your success that you balance the material and the spiritual. You have chosen a path that requires balance between giving and taking, reward and punishment, action and reaction. Despite the obstacles on your path, you are a true survivor. When focused exclusively on your desire for results and success, you can become stubborn and intolerant; you can be driven by over-ambition, causing you to be exacting and without perspective. Be careful of your alcohol consumption, a danger-zone for you. You can be a social drinker, mixing business with pleasure - a dangerous cocktail. An excellent manager, organizer and administrator you have talents in many areas of life. Entrepreneurs, executives, bankers, brokers, negotiators, gamblers, coaches, collectors, heads of institutions, builders, art dealers, manufacturers, promoters, military officers, police detectives, smugglers, engineers, pilots or sea captains. You have been entrusted with special gifts, the use or abuse of which has an immediate and often physical effect upon you and those around you! Use these gifts for the good of mankind and accept your own good fortune with gratitude. This is your rewarding stage in your evolution. Yours is a life time of harvest.

YUCHEON   7338565 Total37=10=1          BAK       212     Total5                   6
JUNSU   13513 Total13=4        GIM     794   Total20=2               6

Your Expression Number is 6.

You are a loving and caring individual with a tendency to put the needs of others before those of yourself. You are responsible and trustworthy with a high regard for justice and honesty. Duty will follow you all your life and sometimes feel a little too much of a burden. You are artistic. Harmony and beauty are high on your list of priorities. You have musical talent but the creative talents of a 6 are sometimes left undeveloped or suppressed as a result of your tendency to sacrifice your time and pleasure to the service of others. You are highly creative in all areas of life, particularly the visual. You are also a talented business person and can work methodically toward the realization of your goals.

You have a natural gift with flowers, gardens, and animals. Your love of children has caused numerologists to dub you the "Cosmic Mother or Cosmic Father". The very shape of the 6 resembles and symbolizes "Pregnant with Love". You are a natural counselor and healer. But you must be careful not to interfere with the freedom of others. You are recognized as an idealist, mainly regarding marriage, friendships and humanity. The 6 is the most balanced of all numbers, but also contains within itself the greatest paradoxes. It is as if opposite tendencies were tenuously poised. Because of its gift for harmonizing these opposites, you are uniquely qualified to handle and integrate contradictions within yourself. It is for this reason that 6s so frequently find themselves in the role of healers or counselors, creating a peace between opposing points of view, or internal conflicts within the self.

While you can be very idealistic, there may also be a temptation to acquire beautiful objects by improper means. You must also guard against other meddlesome behavior and domestic tyranny, or always having to have your own way in a family dispute. Conversely, you have it within yourself to understand another person's dilemma and come up with a creative solution. Your natural ability to give comfort and warmth can smooth over hurt feelings like a healing balm. You attract love and appreciation. And rightly so, because you give the same in return.

You make an outstanding teacher (especially young children or special education), healer, counselor social worker, psychologist, artist, designer, gardener, florist, and farmer. You can be successful in business, especially those that involve dealing with people.

CHANGMIN   38157495 Total42=6           SIM        194      Total14=5                     11

Your Expression Number is 11. (Master Number)

Yours is the most highly charged Expression number of all. You are like a lightning rod, attracting powerful ideas, intuitions, and even psychic information like unpredictable bolts. You are a powerful presence without any awareness on your part of having personal power. You are a channel for higher vibrations. But in order to be emotionally and psychologically at peace, you must learn to control that flow of energy. You possess a bridge between the unconscious and the conscious. The trouble is that the unconscious is an infinite resource, while consciousness by definition is a limited arena. The two are therefore at odds until they can learn to live in harmony with each other. This is where control comes in. Until you are able to control the flow of energy from this infinite source, you may feel like a victim of its whimsy, thrown about by emotional turmoil and nervous tensions.

You have always sensed that you are different, but it was an indefinable feeling. You are enormously sensitive and aware, especially as a child. This made you vulnerable to all conflicts and painful situations. For most of your upbringing, however, you did not realize that other people did not possess the same sensitivity, nor did they see the same things you were seeing. This caused a great reservoir of emotion that was dammed up behind an inability to express your feelings, even to yourself. For this reason, most 11 Expressions have a difficult childhood. Your extreme sensitivity made you very shy as a child. This usually manifests in adulthood as hesitation and acute vulnerability. You are very careful about sharing your feelings with others and choosing your friends. You compensated for your sense of separation in childhood by creating an elaborate fantasy world. You daydreamed more than other children. You have a lively imagination and even in adulthood have a hard time separating reality from fantasy.

Your challenge is to bring forth your primitive, earthy strength. You need to be grounded in order to deal with your lightning bolts. The more you are able to call upon your inherent human strength, the greater your capacity to take advantage of your extremely sensitive awareness. Once this is accomplished, your antagonist becomes your benefactor. You are highly emotional and dependent upon relationships. Emotionally, you go up and down with the fortunes of your love life. You are idealistic, impractical, and at times disorderly. You are often unrealistic in your expectations. Your reasons for doing things are usually born of a mixture of logic, emotion, and intuition, which can rarely be explained satisfactorily to your more rational associates.

The 11 Expression is the number most dependent upon other core numbers in your chart for insight into your vocation. The 11 charges every area it enters, but it needs a grounding vocation and discipline to be effective. A balanced 11 is one of the most unique and impressive of all people. It is gifted with insight and illumination, which it can transmit to others. This makes you a natural teacher in whatever area you enter.

Heart's Desire Number

"Is also called Soul Urge or Soul's Urge
The Heart's Desire number is just what the name implies: your innermost yearning; the dreams closest to your heart. Consequently, it shows your underlying motivation, or the general intention behind many of your actions. It dramatically influences the choices you make in life. Its influence is everywhere in your life - your career, your environment, friendships, and life style.

Your Heart's Desire is the inner you. It shows your underlying urge, your true motivation. It reveals the general intention behind many of your actions. Consequently, it dramatically influences the choices you make in life. The Heart's desire is seen as part of the larger picture, called the core numbers, which includes the Life Path, Expression, Day you were born, and Personality. But each points to a different aspect of you. The Expression number reveals your talents and abilities, and your general direction in life. The Life Path is the central lesson you came into the world to learn. The Day you were born is very closely connected to Life Path. It reveals specific talents you possess, which will be helpful to you in dealing with your Life Path. These talents tend to come to fuller expression after the age of 28. The Personality reveals how people tend to see you. It also demonstrates what characteristics you are projecting to the world. The Heart's Desire demonstrates the identity of the soul that joined the earth - you, the spiritual being.

To find your Heart's Desire number, add the numerical value of the vowels of each of your names; reduce them to single digits; add the single digits; and reduce them again to a single-digit number, which is your Heart's Desire number."
JJ: A E U (1+5+3 = 9) + I (9) = 18 = 9

You want to be of service to the world. Your deepest satisfaction comes from knowing that you have advanced the cause of humanity. Your ideals are of the highest order. You are a perfectionist. You strive to make the world a utopia; to make each person's lot in life better; to become perfect yourself. One of your challenges in life is to strive toward your lofty goals and at the same time recognize the good you are doing. You like and are fascinated by people from all walks of life. Human nature is a lifelong study for you. You are highly intuitive, but not an especially good judge of character. You are a bit naive, as well, thinking perhaps that all people have the same values as you. You dream of having the resources to immediately relieve the suffering of others, whether it is economic, physical, or psychological. You are gifted with a good mind and a great deal of wisdom, which makes you a natural teacher, counselor, or healer.
As much as you desire to be of service to others, you also crave fame and the approval of the masses. Much of the energy you expend in life is directed toward putting yourself before an audience, most often as a salesperson whose product provides some social good; as a philanthropist; or an artist. You are attracted to the arts as a vocation, especially as an actor, photographer, or writer. But whatever your profession, any involvement in the arts, even as a hobby, will provide you with a deep and lasting satisfaction. Secretly, you dream of having a big impact on the world. Others may see this as egotism, especially when you are still young. But your concern for others is genuine. You must apply yourself in this direction in order to become psychologically whole and personally satisfied. Your vision is on the crowds of people, which can cause you to overlook the needs of those closest to you. You need personal love as well, but have a tendency to put your needs in the background. Still, you are a loving person, and only need to be reminded to direct and demonstrate that love to those nearby. If, however, you are focused exclusively on the masses, people will perceive you as distant and a bit aloof.

You are emotional, and sensitive. You can also be moody and critical. You have high expectations for yourself and others. This can cause you much anger when your expectations are unfulfilled. One of your most important life lessons is to forgive. Because you are striving hard to attain high ideals, you may think of yourself as superior to others. Arrogance is a trap many 9s fall into. The danger is that arrogance cuts you off from the thing you love the most: people. Your happiness and contentment are therefore highly dependant on the ease with which you are able to serve and influence mankind. It is the paradox of your Heart's Desire that you receive by giving. Both your material success and spiritual satisfaction are made possible through service and sacrifice to others.
YH: U O (3+6 = 9) + E O (5+6 = 11) = 20 = 2

You want peace and harmony in all aspects of your life. You want to devote your life to someone or something. You fall in love easily. You are extremely sensitive and emotional. You can be sentimental and you cry at sad stories. You need friends and society. You appreciate the refinements of life. You desire comfort and security. You have refined taste, and can be a connoisseur. You love music and possess a good deal of musical talent.
Your sensitivity is actually a symptom of your highly developed intuition. But you must learn to trust it. You are a gentle soul and shy away from confrontation as long as possible. You experience a battle within when you do not believe you can handle a situation; this may have a paralyzing effect on you. You prefer to give in when you should assert yourself. You must learn to be more decisive. Very often, you are afraid to use your own power in the face of someone else's aggressiveness. You incorrectly perceive yourself to be in a weaker position; you may ultimately give in merely to avoid a fight. Conversely, you are extremely diplomatic and tactful. You like to accomplish things through quiet persuasion. You dislike force. You have to fight uncertainty and doubt. You need to develop confidence and a willingness to stand up for what you believe to be right.

You function best in a supportive role, guiding the more public person in quiet, unobtrusive, yet essential ways.
YC: U E O (3+5+6 = 14 = 5) + A (1) = 6
JS: U U (3+3 = 6) + I (9) = 15 = 6

Your attention is directed to helping and caring for those you love. You are exceedingly domestic. You love your home and family and work hard to make both comfortable and secure. Your love for family and friends is a major source of your happiness and sometimes unhappiness. Your desire to help others is so strong that you often find yourself sacrificing your own personal needs for someone else's. You can overdo it, becoming too deeply involved in other people's lives. You risk interfering in personal matters and or smothering those you love in too much affection. This can be especially weakening to children, who never experience their own personal strength if an adult is too protective.

You are extremely loyal and rarely let anyone down. You need to feel appreciation for your giving and caring. You want to know that you are needed. You are generous and very forgiving. You are somehow able to overlook the worst mistakes in another and find enough good in that person to continue the relationship.

You are patient, warm, and sympathetic, sometimes to the point of sentimentality. You have a natural ability as a counselor and healer. You are an excellent listener, compassionate and understanding. You are able to both sympathize and empathize with a person's dilemma. Your challenge as a counselor is to be adequately educated so that you can do more than provide a sympathetic ear or shoulder. You possess a great deal of artistic talent, though you may not have a lot of confidence in your ability. Art gives you a great deal of pleasure and satisfaction. You are especially sensitive to your environment and have a knack for creating an artistic, healing, and harmonious atmosphere in your home or work space.

Your deepest intention is to love those around you, and be loved in return. Six is the most loving of all numbers, especially in a one-to-one relationships. Your instincts are toward your family and friends. You envision a beautiful and harmonious life with love as the basis for all social interaction. Your love is returned manifold; people appreciate you and the love you give, and are willing to go to great lengths to keep you close at hand.
CM: A I (1+9 = 10 = 1) + I (9) = 10 = 1

Your overpowering need is to be independent and to direct your own life according to what you believe. Your dream is to become the leader of whatever field you enter. Whether it is in business, community, or in your general area of expertise, you are driven to be the reigning figure. You have the courage and the confidence to lead others. You believe firmly that your judgment is preeminent over all others. This gives you the confidence to make bold decisions and carry them out, even when other lives are greatly affected by what you do. You rarely look back once you have made a decision.
You possess intelligence and wit. You are keenly insightful and are good at evaluating the abilities of others. You are supremely individualistic. In your manner and dress, you like to project your own unique persona. Consequently, you don't mind being controversial, and can even enjoy the attention and impact you have made on your surroundings. You dislike routines, or anything that limits your freedom and independence.

Whenever you commit to something you truly love, you are absolutely tenacious in your ability to endure difficulties and overcome obstacles. You are highly responsible; you hate passing the buck. You possess remarkable willpower and a strong drive to succeed. You are always looking for innovative ways of doing things. Because you seek to be the boss in any endeavor, you have a tendency to dominate others. If you are not careful, especially in dealing with your subordinates and family, you may become ruthless in your decisions and behavior. You can also fall victim to impatience and intolerance, particularly if you grow conceited or superior.

You are the pioneer and the ground-breaker. You love the foreground, the hot-seat of responsibility. You have all the talents to succeed. As long as you maintain balance in your life, allowing others full expression of their thoughts and abilities, you will easily rise to the top of your chosen field and realize your ambitions.

Outer Personality Number

"Your Outer Personality number - also called Personality number, is derived from the consonants of your full name. Your Personality is like a narrow entrance hall to the great room that is your true nature. It is those aspects that you feel comfortable sharing with people at the outset of a relationship. With time and trust, you invite others into the deeper aspects of your nature; you reveal more of who you really are, in effect, your Heart's Desire, Expression, and so on.

Your Personality number often serves as a censoring device, both in terms of what you send out, as well as what you allow to approach. It discriminates in the kinds of people and information you let enter your heart and mind. For this reason, your Personality is usually much more narrow and protective in its definition than the real you. It can screen out some of what you do not want to deal with - people or situations - but it also welcomes those things that immediately relate to your inner nature.

Fortunately or unfortunately, this narrow entrance is the first impression people get of you. It either welcomes and intrigues them, or it causes them to lose interest.

To find your Personality number, add the numerical value of the consonants of each of your names in the same manner as described earlier in the Expression and Heart's Desire."

JJ: J J N G (1+1+5+7 = 14 = 5) + G M (7+4 = 11) = 16 = 7

You seem mysterious and different. People see you as serious and studious. You are highly independent and self- sufficient. Your accept ional intelligence and wisdom are quickly noticed, people respect you. You are not one to attract people on the basis of your warmth or compassion - though you may be loaded with both - but because of your obvious insight into life's mysteries.

You are hard to get to know. You are often withdrawn. It is common for people to see your focus turn inside of yourself in the middle of a conversation. You have the makings of an intellectual and an aristocrat but you have to guard against arrogance and an attitude of, "I've got it all figured out". There have been periods in your life when you had little concern for your clothing or fashion, while at other times you are very aware of your clothing and use it to make a specific impression. You appear dignified no matter how you dress., but a well groomed seven with a touch of dash definitely has an advantage. Your confidence increases when you know you are well dressed.

You are recognized as spiritual and religious, with your very own ideas regarding the purpose of life and the Creator. You are an inspired speaker, but only when discussing subjects that really interest you. Otherwise, you are not one for chatter. Your love of knowledge and wisdom shows.
YH: Y N H (7+5+8 = 20 = 2) + J N G (1+5+7 = 13 = 4) = 6

You radiate understanding and compassion. People sense your warmth and fairness. For this reason, you attract many people who are in need of comfort, including the disadvantaged. People tend to come to you to unload their burdens. You inspire confidence.

You have a fine sense of justice. You do everything in your power to keep the harmony and are even willing to sacrifice your personal desires for the good of others. You can take this too far, however, sometimes playing the role of the martyr. You have to guard against being taken advantage of. You are not always a very good judge of character. You tend to see the best in others. You also can become too involved in the lives of others, to your own detriment. (This aspect can be balanced by other numbers in your chart.) You are hospitable and domestic. You love children and are a good parent. You are romantic, faithful and very protective. You are artistic. You love music, flowers and gardening. You are a natural interior designer. You have an excellent sense of color and taste. You are more concerned with the content of your personality than your appearance, which causes you to be less conscious of the style of your clothes. You are more interested in comfort and the utility of clothing than the statement it makes.

Six Personality Numbers are exceedingly generous. You are not particularly logical when it comes to finances. You are very vulnerable to praise and criticism. You tend to worry a lot, causing stomach problems. People see you as a maternal or paternal figure. They want to relax in your presence and unburden themselves. You are the safe port in the crowd.
YC: Y C H N (7+3+8+5 = 23 = 5) + B K (2+2 = 4) = 9
JS: J N S (1+5+1 = 7) + G M (7+4 = 11) = 18 = 9
[Hahahaha~ Another YOOSU!]

You have an impressive and aristocratic bearing. No matter how tall you are, you appear noble and upright. You are very much in control of the image you send out to others.

Many actors, dancers, and other performers have a 9 Personality Number. You are elegant, graceful, and charismatic. Many admire you. You have the kind of stature that pulls people to you or repels them intensely. Some are jealous of you and may seek to belittle you. You may encourage this to some extent by the amount of arrogance you radiate. This is a caution for all 9 Personalities - they are sometimes aloof and hold themselves above the world. Your challenge is to come down to earth with your fellow man. Conversely, you have a great compassion for humanity and want to dedicate yourself to improving the lot of others. You are better when dealing with the trials of the many than the trouble of a single person. You are more capable of working on the grand scale, addressing the needs of society, than on a one-to-one basis.

You are kind and sympathetic, helpful and compassionate. Behind the controlled and calm facade, you are sensitive, vulnerable and emotional. You have excellent taste. There is a good deal of artistic talent in you that shows in your home environment and your clothing. You tend to see yourself as a guardian of society, a benevolent leader, guiding and directing your community toward a better world.
CM: C H N G M N (3+8+5+7+4+5 = 32 = 5) + S M (1+4 = 5) = 10 = 1
[Again!? Why is he obsessed with number 1?]

You radiate with a dynamic and efficient energy. You appear controlled and capable. You value courage and effort in the face of difficulties and these qualities show. Others can sense that you will not be pushed around. You should dress in a dignified and correct manner, caring for the details of your appearance. While you may spend most of your time in staid business dress or suits, bright and cheerful colors work well for you. You are fashionable, but have your own style.

Your appearance suffers more than most people when you are overweight. Overweight directly contradicts the type of personality you are trying to project. Straight lines and square corners accent your good physique and enhances your appearance as a leader.

You are recognized as a pioneer; you have your own ideas of how to do things. You are a risk taker, original and highly creative. You should be wary of appearing too aggressive or unreceptive. You can intimidate people if you don't soften your exterior somewhat. By doing this, you will attract less confident people who will be more willing to approach you with their thoughts and suggestions.

JJ: 1 (3x), 2 (?), 3 (1x), 4 (1x), 5 (2x), 6 (?), 7 (2x), 8 (?), 9 (1x)
YH: 1 (1x), 2 (?), 3 (1x), 4 (?), 5 (3x), 6 (2x), 7 (2x), 8 (1x), 9 (?)
YC: 1 (1x), 2 (2x), 3 (2x), 4 (?), 5 (2x), 6 (1x), 7 (1x), 8 (1x), 9 (?)
JS: 1 (2x), 2 (?), 3 (2x), 4 (1x), 5 (1x), 6 (?), 7 (1x), 8 (?), 9 (1x)
CM: 1 (2x), 2 (?), 3 (1x), 4 (2x), 5 (2x), 6 (?), 7 (1x), 8 (1x), 9 (2x)

Hidden Passion Number

"Numbers that appear several times in your name represent a particular strength or ability. The number that is most often repeated in your name represents your specific field of expertise, or a concentrated talent.

Metaphorically, this talent can be seen as having a power all its own to shape your life. Its existence gives you a strong desire to develop and to express that particular ability. Having the talent demands that you express it, that you experience this part  of you, and that you live according to its nature. In this way, the Hidden Passion shapes your personality, and guides your life."

Your Hidden Passion is 1. (JJ, JS and CM)
You have a strong drive to stand out. You have a great ambition and desire to accomplish. You are highly competitive and want to be the best and the first in everything you do. You are highly energetic and creative.

You are capable of influencing and even dominating others. You have highly developed political skills, and can succumb to manipulation unless your ideals are high.

Ironically, there are times when you lack confidence, especially at an earlier age, but you have the strength to overcome this obstacle.

You are a survivor, a warrior, a leader. Many great athletes and politicians have this number as a Hidden Passion.

Too many ones (6 or more in a name of average length), can make a person bullish, aggressive, violent, even tyrannical.

Your Hidden Passion is 2. (YC)

You are highly considerate, sensitive, and intuitive. You seek peaceful and pleasant environments. You work hard to establish harmony among your peers and co-workers. You work well in groups, often serving as the peacemaker.
You may appear shy and timid and although you like people there is an inner fear, you dislike noise and roughness.
You are committed to your work and perform your job with a high degree of competency, patience, and persistence. You are a magnet for information. You are often one of the pillars of any organization. People naturally rely upon you.
You have a tendency to worry too much about trivial details and can waste time on petty affairs. You may be too sensitive and easily hurt; your feelings can get in the way of your sound judgement.
You have a good ear for music and rhythm and an appreciation for the arts. You love beauty in your environment. You have fine and delicate taste.

Your Hidden Passion is 3. (YC and JS) [o.O another YOOSU?]

You are highly social and have a gift for self- expression. You love to entertain and attend parties. You are exceedingly popular, and a good friend.

You are highly talented in one or more of the arts - writing, acting, music, or painting.

You need excitement. When things are dull, you tend to fantasize and sometimes exaggerate.

You are very inspiring and motivating to others. You are blessed with a considerable amount of charm and charisma. You are highly optimistic, which can make you a bit of a rolling stone. You think that the grass is always going to be greener on the other side of the hill.

You need discipline and focus to make the most of your talents. You can fall victim to scattering your energies. You have to guard against being selfish and indulging in too much sensory gratification.

Your Hidden Passion is 4. (CM)

Systematic and organized, there are few goals out of your reach. You have determination, perseverance and self- discipline.

You are perceived as solid as a rock and just as reliable. Your family and friends have faith in you and your ability to care for them.

You identify with work and are can be very unhappy if you are in a job you do not love. You have a sharp eye for detail. You enjoy the security and steadiness of schedules. You do not like the unexpected.

You are practical and realistic. You are also concerned about the welfare of your community.

You love nature and the beauty and efficiency that characterizes natural law.

You have sound judgement and understanding when it comes to estimating the value of a plan or the feasibility of an enterprise.

You have good concentration.

Your family and home are very important to you.

Your love runs deep and is extremely loyal and protective.

For those who have many 4s - four or more - in their names or in prominent places in their chart must guard against becoming obsessed with details, rigid, narrow-minded, and boring.

Your Hidden Passion is 5. (YH, YC and CM)

You love travel, change, and new challenges. You are highly adaptable and versatile. You have a talent for languages, and are generally good with words. Writing, promotion, and public relations work suit you perfectly.

You are sensual and a bit impulsive. You love to satisfy your senses, which can get you into trouble.

Overindulgence in food, drink, sex, and drugs are common among people with too many 5s - six or more.

You are resourceful and original. You have a good sense of humor and a quick tongue.

Your desire for freedom is extremely strong and it will take effort and discipline to stick with whatever it is you started. There is a tendency to give up a project or situation prematurely.

You may be interested in too many things, which can make it hard for you to apply yourself to one area successfully.

You are very unconventional.

Commitment in relationships and your work is fundamental to your happiness. You may have a tendency to wander from person to person, job to job, making depth of relationship or deep expertise difficult.

Your Hidden Passion is 9. (CM)

Warm, generous and compassionate, you would do well and be quite happy in any undertaking that not only supplies you with a decent living but also is for the good of all. You are artistic, the nine is responsible for many of our creative geniuses, however these talents are often suppressed, sometimes coming to the surface at middle or old age. You have a strong desire for insight and universal knowledge. You are emotional, your feelings are not always sensible and they too are often suppressed. You can get caught up in dreams and ideals without being practical but with enough fire and enthusiasm to attract support. Your oratorical abilities save many a situation. You are driven to do your own thing and are quite independent.

Karmic Lessons

"Numerology is based on the understanding that we enter life with certain strengths and weaknesses. Karmic Lessons are areas that we are currently weak in, and that we must face and work on in this life. There can be more than one Karmic Lesson.

Karmic Lessons are indicated when one or more of the nine single-digit numbers are missing in your name.

The letters and numbers of your name point to talents and abilities that you possess. These characteristics can be compared to a workshop in which certain tools are available to you. Missing numbers, those that are not represented in the letters of your name, imply tools that are unavailable, and that must be learned and mastered during this lifetime.

For people with three or more numbers missing, it is supremely important to focus on your career and talents, and to persevere in the face of any difficulty or obstacle. The kind of keyhole energy suggested by such a name gives you the ability to achieve great success in a specific part of life; but before such a success can be achieved, adversity must be overcome. Perseverance, therefore, becomes the key to happiness."

Your Karmic Lesson is 2. (JJ, YH, JS and CM) [YC must be feeling smug.. XD]

You must learn to be more diplomatic and tactful, to stay in the background when necessary and sometimes to accomplish something without the need to be praised and rewarded. Learn to be part of a team.

You must learn to be more sensitive to other peoples' needs and feelings. You will regularly find yourself in a situation where the only road to success is through patience and attention, requiring you to work closely cooperatively with others.

The effect of this Karmic Lesson is diminished if you have at least one 2 among your core numbers (Life Path, Birthday, Hearts Desire, Expression or Personality Number).

Your Karmic Lesson is 4. (YH and YC) [2U! First time seeing this pair in numerology.]

You feel confusion about your life's direction. You will have to establish a methodical and disciplined approach. You need to create a foundation for your life. Otherwise, you will feel lost and tossed about by change.

You have trouble finding the work you do best. You tend to be somewhat impractical and disorganized. You look for the answers to life's problems outside yourself, rather than within. New jobs start off as The Answer, but do not have the same glamour for long. You quickly discover that the new work requires the same effort and perseverance, without the excitement you expected, which may cause you to give up too soon.

Concentration and application need to be strengthened. The effects of this Karmic Lesson are diminished if you have at least one 4 among your core numbers (Life path, Birthday, Hearts Desire, Expression or Personality Number).

Your Karmic Lesson is 6. (JJ, JS and CM)

You have a major issue with commitment and responsibility to others.

You have a hard time committing to marriage and other important personal relationships. You have to learn to show true emotion.

You may feel isolated and alone, but do not understand why. The reason is that very often you form relationships yet remain heavily guarded, putting up a show of emotion without truly communicating affection or care. This can make the bond between you and others superficial. You must learn to establish sincere relationships.

You will learn the importance of close friends and lasting relationships. You will learn to give and, when necessary, sacrifice. This is the one true way to true friendship and lasting love.

The effects of this Karmic Lesson are diminished if you have at least one
6 among your core numbers (Life Path, Birthday, Heart's Desire, and Personality Number).

Your Karmic Lesson is 8. (JJ and JS) [Another first! JaeSu~]

You can attract a considerable amount of money and even be a good business person, but you experience major ups and downs in your financial affairs, due largely to your lack of caution in handling your resources.

You are highly independent and do not want to be told how to do things. You have great problems with authority figures. This stems from a kind of know-it-all attitude and stubborn behavior that prevents you from knowing your limits.

You will have to work at knowing how to handle money. In all likelihood, you will attract enough of it, but it has a tendency to slip through your fingers. This Karmic Lesson forces you to learn your limitations, and the limitations of your resources.

Learn to be efficient.

The effects of this Karmic Lesson are diminished if you have at least one
8 among your core numbers (Life Path, Birthday, Hearts Desire, Expression, or Personality Number).

Your Karmic Lesson is 9. (YH and YC) [2U again~]

You must learn to be more compassionate, tolerant, and understanding. You have to learn to identify with the trials of others. There will be times when you will have to sacrifice some egocentric ambition for the good of a particular project or some larger goal.

You must learn to broaden your view of life. You have to see things on a larger scale. You do not realize the enormous potential you have in influencing your own destiny and that of others. Therefore, you hold back your efforts at helping people, or furthering a particular social cause. You have an issue with commitment to community or mankind.

The effects of this Karmic Lesson are diminished if you have at least one
9 among your core numbers (Life Path, Birthday, Expression, Hearts Desire, or Personality Number).

Source: Decoz Numerology

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