Jul 29, 2010 21:45
Day 23 ~ The character that is most like you.
I don't even know how to begin with this part. I've been thinking this over on and off for over a week now and I still have not arrived at a satisfying answer. I don't know! I don't know if there is one character that I could wear like a comfy glove. I think I'll have to keep this question in mind from now on when I watch episodes, so that I can see if maybe some random one-epy character is a ton like me.
That said, I feel as though I have something in common with many of the characters.
Sam: Well especially in S1 I could identify with his sensitivity, propensity for chick flick moments, his love of research, and his attitude that "Just because it's not human, does NOT mean it's evil and must be killed."
Dean: Well he and I are both oldest siblings. He loves cars, so do I. In fact, he loves and knows them far more than I can claim to right now.
Bobby: We both love books! And I think if I were a character on the show, I'd play a similar more-on-the-sidelines-of-the-action type role like him. He is a hunter, he can fight, but he prefers to be the librarian who helps with the non-physical portion of the hunting.
Jamie (Monster Movie): She can lift a gun and shoot when the situation really calls for it, but otherwise she's a pretty down to earth typical girl. She takes things in stride. I think maybe I'd like to be like her.
Impala: Is there for you. Supportive. Good friend.
I could go on, but I'm tired. Maybe I'll add to this later.
Day 24: An episode you wished never happened
Day 25: Something you wish happened but didn't
Day 26: Your favorite SPN fanvid
Day 27: Your favorite season intro episode
Day 28: Your favorite season finale
Day 29: Your favorite SPN fanfic
Day 30: Anything SPN related.
30 days of spn meme,