Day 16 ~ An episode that scared you:
Although I often rag on it for being one of my least favorite episodes, an episode that still creeps me out when I watch it is "Family Remains". It's got a lot of those classic scary!movie moves, and it's... well it just freaks me out over and over. It certainly doesn't help that my family lives in a old house where people could easily live in the walls and the basement like that!
Looking back, I think the first episode to scare me was probably "Bloody Mary" maybe (I've seen Season 1 so many times now, that I'm finding it really hard to remember how scared I was by the episodes the first time through. I DO remember noticing how quickly I was becoming acclimated to the scares though). "Skin" was the first to make me really cringe, what with the nasty slimy skin and especially the part where the shapeshifter shifts out of Dean's body the first time. *blech*
Day 17: Your favorite SPN friendship.
Day 18: Your favorite SPN romance.
Day 19: Your favorite SPN song.
Day 20: Your favorite recap.
Day 21: Your favorite character entrance.
Day 22: Your favorite minor character
Day 23: The character that is most like you.
Day 24: An episode you wished never happened
Day 25: Something you wish happened but didn't
Day 26: Your favorite SPN fanvid
Day 27: Your favorite season intro episode
Day 28: Your favorite season finale
Day 29: Your favorite SPN fanfic
Day 30: Anything SPN related