Ep. 5.15: Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid

Mar 25, 2010 21:32

Is it wrong that I'm sitting here already excited for next week?! Tonight's episode was good. Very very good for being a hiatus-comeback-epi, but the promos for next week look even more exciting!

Now we discuss this episode.

 This was an episode of many gold nuggets. That is, I felt like there were many many small/short scenes that were really awesome.

Another thing I have to say is that this episode started off shaky and slow for me, but ended with a bang. Many bangs, to be exact. It got so exciting around the middle. I can pinpoint it. It was the part where Sam comes across Mrs. Jones hacking and spitting up all over, and then attacking Sam. And the part where Mrs. Singer sneaks up on Dean out by his car.

I actually started (the little written before this sentence) this post last week, but am only now sitting down to re-watch the episode.
Here goes...

- Victim one: Yes, now I see the hole in the crotch that so many of you pointed out before.
- That same scene: I really liked how they had this guy watching a animal show of all things, and then of course especially how the narration mirrored what was happening in the scene.

- Sam & Dean looked very good in this episode. Seems that Dean is finally getting to grow his hair out to something similar to his pre-Hell days. I like. : )

- Bobby not answering the phone. Definitely not a good sign. Very un-Bobby-like. Although I'd argue that all and any promo for this episode gave away most of the plot. We knew already here that he was at home with his zombie!Wife. And that in the end she'd have to be killed (again).

- Digger would be hot if he cleaned up a bit. Look into his eyes. Just sayin'. ; )

- Sheriff Jody Mills. I really liked her from the get-go. Strong female, without being masculine about it. That's how I'd sum her up quickly. Sweet, but definitely not soft. And her first scene was just such a brilliant introduction to the "this is Bobby's hometown" aspect of the episode. Somehow you wonder why Sam & Dean wouldn't've avoided that phone call. I'd've thought Sam at least would've realized that there might be chance they'd run into people who knew/know Bobby. I guess they just had to take a gamble? Not like they had much choice in that moment.

- Bobby all cleaned up, and his home all tidied. Something's definitely up. Secretive/evasive & defensive Bobby, that's not on either.

- I love the filming/editing techniques used in the graveyard when the brothers dig up Clay's grave. You know what's a little weird though? Was it just me, or did the grave look like a good foot or two too shallow? Maybe the ground was still too frozen in Vancouver (or S. Dakota for that matter)?

- It's really hard to be sure. But doesn't the picture on the desk in the Thompson house look like those winter pics of Gen & Jared?

- *hehe* I love the part where the boys get busted outside of Clay's house by the sheriff and then the part where they're in the cell trying to figure out her behavior. ; )

- This episode was kind of like 'Here's how the boys would've treated their Dad, had John been more lenient and on equal footing with them. Slash it was also the episode in which we see Bobby stripped of his cool&collected-self. He was off the pedestal, and letting show that behind all the book-learning and know-how, he is also just a man like anybody else. And that given the right situation, he too can lose his confident footing. I really feared for Bobby's life this entire episode. It was hard not to want him to have this second chance at a life with his wife. Even if she was a little Stepford Wife cheery-creepy. I was glad to see Bobby holding his own in a fight though - while it lasted. His psychological and physical vulnerability kind of came together as one in this epi I felt.

- I have to say, that in a way this episode took a very blase stance on the Apocalypse. Or I mean, that bit of plot kind of took the backseat. It was there, and it was the cause of the zombies -> Angel of Death having some play-time with Bobby basically. That all said, I liked the episode a lot. I think it did take the main plot seriously, while giving us what we really need more of: Bobby time.

- Dean scoping out Bobby's house from the junkyard, leaning against the Impala? So much pretty! Dean looking ultra sexy (anybody seen the movie "Greenberg"?), the colors very nice, and the Impala super shiny.

- The episode got so gross at this point onwards. Sam's visit to Mrs. Jones' house. *gag guh..* I was wriggling and making gagging noises throughout. So not a scene I'll want to rewatch much. Although Sam's "Yeah. I'm going to regret this." was gold.

- I love how the main responsibility of the case gets hefted onto Sam's shoulders after Bobby kicks them both out. Sam - save townsfolk, Dean - save Bobby.

- Dean arriving just in time to be there when Bobby shoots his wife? Most tender and angst-filled moment since end of S2 when Bobby confronts Dean in the junkyard right after having arrived with a living Sam.

- I don't much like lots of gore (blood is fine, but guts and stuff not so much my thing), but I do have to admit that the part where zombie!blood splatters the camera lens is pretty awesome.

- Sammy asking Bobby twice at the pyre whether he'd be alright may have seemed annoying or whiny, unless you see it for what it was IMO. That opinion being that Sam was treating Bobby like a parent, and kids need their parents to be the strong 'alright' figures.

- Lastly, a question about the junkyard set: Was that a different one from junkyard sets past? Or were we just visiting a part or two that we'd never seen before? Or was it the wetness that made it all so different?

Oh, and somebody told me that this episode was actually aired out of order? That it was originally meant to be shown earlier?

Favorite Quotes:

- "Is he still not home? How far could he get in that chair?" - Dean
This quote is both funny and wrong at the same time. Kind of depends on how sensitive you happen to be to wheelchair jokes. But anybody who knows Dean, should take it as mostly funny because they know he loves Bobby.

- "Call me Digger." "Digger? Who gave you that name?" "I did." "You gave yourself your own nickname? You can't do that." "Who died, made you queen?" - Digger & Dean

- "He's a monster" "He's a soccer dad." - Dean & Sam

- "I think what Sam mean to say is, you lied to us?!" - Dean

- "Awesome... Another Horseman... Must be Thursday." - Dean
This has gotta be the best quote of the whole episode. Or well, my favorite. There are definitely better quotes. Like Bobby's monologue about Karen's humming.


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