Well boys and girls. As most of you know. Those of you who follow Supernatural anyways. We're on another hiatus. This time until March 25th. (Yes, flist, this post will be pretty much all about Supernatural. So shoo, if you're uninterested.) I've decided to watch what we have of this season all over again in order during this time.
I literally JUST finished watching the first episode. My emotional reactions to the drama unfolding made me feel like writing as well as rewatching.
The scenes between Dean & Sam struck a deeper chord this time for me somehow. Especially the first couple. This is where the value in re-watching really lies for me sometimes. I'm able to pick up on the nuances... the little things more thoroughly. The first viewing is almost always a whirlwind... or like being presented with a library or a buffet table of delicious foods. New episodes flood my senses, and while I try to take it all in, it's usually the big details that take precedent - and so, crowd out the rest.
Anyways, so the hurt that was in Dean in this episode. I could see and feel it just pulsing out of him in waves in all directions. I could see how it hurt him that Sam was still oblivious to what would be really hurting Dean personally. Because of course everybody deserves an apology about the final seal being broken and Lucifer let out. True. And yes, I felt for Sam in this episode too. What possessed!Bobby says to Sam stings like a deep cut to the gut as well.
But watching Dean wait for the apology he really wants, needs, but never gets hurt me the deepest I think.
And when Zach called Dean a 'snivelling was of insecurity and self-loathing' (paraphrasing out of my memory 'cause I'm about to go to bed here), that hit too close to home for my taste. Sometimes that's me. Anyways, not the topic here. Moving on.
Chuck whacking Sam with the plunger? I know that's been talked about a lot. But somehow that caught me off guard this time. I literally jumped in my seat! Chuck was great in his scenes in this episode. He managed to make me laugh, despite the fact that nothing was really supposed to be funny. If you know what I mean, while I acknowledge that yes, yes it is meant to be funny.
Bobby walking! It's kind of crazy to think how wheelchair!Bobby has already gotten so ingrained into my image of him now. I was thinking in the fight scene tonight "Whoa! This is the last time we see him standing and walking!"
Hey, I was a little confused about what Meg had to say in this episode I realize now. Does she not mention John when she sicks Bobby on Dean? Does she not say something about "you know your Daddy's still in there, screaming. I want him to see what it's like to cut you up with his own bare hands" Something like that? What is Meg talking about? Does she mean that the demon possessing Bobby somehow had John inside it? Does she think Bobby is John? What? Or is she talking about her own Dad? Azazel/YED? OR - did I mishear her? CLEARLY, I need to pay extra attention the next time I watch that scene.
Oh, and handy that the demons thought to bring he Impala with them tot he motel. And untouched at that. If I'd been them I woulda' messed with all the guns and weapons int he trunk. *shrugs*
I won't even go into all the stuff with Lucifer and Nick!Vessel. Except to say that the part where he wakes up to the bloody bed is just super super well done and super icky-creepy! The volumes of blood is bad enough, but turning off the lights to a clean bed almost makes it worse somehow!
Ok. That's all for now folks. I'm going to try to make a point of writing more of these rewatch posts. Although some may be multi-episodal perhaps (as in, I may just do one post per rewatch session - which may well include more than one episode).