Waaaah! Cliff hanger yet not a cliff hanger. I mean, is Lucifer gonna possess Sam or Dean? I'm pretty sure it'll be Sam. But still, what was Zachariah talking about? And dude, Bobby was awesome. Cas redeemed himself in the end. There's another question of course. Will Cas be destroyed now? Or can maybe Chuck save him? Or will they both go for disobeying. Where's Anna? Is she gone forever or just locked up? I loved both Sam and Dean in this episode. And you know what I loved best? ....
RUBY'S DEAD! Stabbed with her own blade! Sneaky coniving bitch goes down! I'm glad that she got to show her true colors in the end though. Makes me feel better for not trusting her. The weird weird thing is that I think I will still like her when re-watching S3. Back when she was saving the boys and played by Katie Cassidy. Being all badass female.
The seal breaking/opening? Interesting special effects there. Makes sense that the light was white since Lucifer was/is an Angel.
We can't trust anybody now! Except, IMO, Sam, Dean, Bobby, Cas, Anna, Chuck... anybody else?
Again, Bobby was brilliant! Daddy Winchester a coward, Dean a better man than him! Somebody finally said it! Don't get me wrong, I loved John. Or did I just love him because I adore JDM? No, John had his moments. He did love his boys after all.
Wow, so Season 4 is over. It ended better than I thought. I mean, Lucifer is still poised to posess Sam. But at least the boys are reunited. And that's what counts. I know though, that with Lucifer, they're bound to be torn apart again come Season 5. Lucifer will take over Sam's body, and then Dean will have to find a way of saving the world without killing Sam. Or.... he'll have to kill Sam. And then it's likely he'll kill himself. This is my prediction.
.... But Kripke n' Co have proven themselves still tricky. So it's absolutaly possible that I'm far off the mark.
Well, now for the super super long summer hiatus. *SIGH* Time to commence the re-watching. Plus there's still interviews, articles, and I've got "Witch's Canyon" and "Bone Key" to read.
Sorry for laming out on my last review. And this one is a lot shorter than the average too I realize. But I figure I'd rather get to the discussing..
So where have I been? Yeah, sorry for disappearing on you guys. My family arrived in for Graduation last Sunday, and after that I had no time to go online. It's been a wild week or so. Graduation, for one. I'M A COLLEGE GRADUATE! Insanity... doesn't feel real at all yet. And then there were a lot of "good bye"s. I know it's not 'good bye forever', but it's 'good bye to college' and 'good bye to how life has been for like 4 years now'. Thanks to the internet and phones and whatnot, I know I won't lose touch with my friends from college. At least not the ones that have become part of my circle fo best friends. Of which Nicole and Valia top the list. I miss them so much already. I must try to visit them soon.
Green Day! I bought their new album, "21st Century Breakdown" yesterday. I'm liking it. Can't decide which songs I like the most yet. But I like the sound of this album, and I like the story it tells too. I'm still waiting to hear from my friend Alethea if she managed to score us tickets to when they come to Chicago in July. I'm really hoping. Yet worried, 'cause I don'tk now if she got how important it was that she go on Ticketmaster asap.
Well, next post will be my 500th here on my LJ. It'll include some pictures I think. And it will include a poll. I think maybe I need help choosing a name for the teddy bear I bought myself as a graduation present.
I'm back in Chicago now. Bittersweet. Bitter because I miss London and I especially miss my friends already. Sweet because I love Chicago as well, I get to sleep in my comfy bed, and I get to see my other friends whom I haven't seen since winter break. Plus sweet because I have a lot to look forward to. Oh, and sort of in between bitter and sweet, as I now must go job-hunting in this pretty closed market.
Breakfast time. Sorry for this long post.