(no subject)

Aug 01, 2008 14:33


Name: Michelle
Age: 17
Time Zone: GMT
AIM/YIM/MSN: AIM: deliverme1938 MSN: deliver--me@hotmail.com
Email: See above


Name: Rose Tyler
Age: 26
Fandom (If canon character): Doctor Who
Connections/Story: The Doctor, Torchwood (Cardiff and Alternate Universe)
Ability (If applicable): N/A

History: Rose Marion Tyler grew up on the Powell Estate in South East London with her mother Jackie, her father having being killed in a car accident when she was six months old. She left school and her mother's house at the age of 16 to live with Jimmy Stone, who broke her heart and left her £800 in debt. She moved back in with Jackie and rekindled an old relationship with Mickey Smith.

Working late one night in Henrik's department store, she encountered the mysterious man called the Doctor. He blew up her job, and the very next day met her again. They defeated the Nestene Consiousness together, and she was invited twice onto the TARDIS, the second time she gave Mickey a kiss and ran off to travel. She saw things beyond her imagination, such as the beautiful planet Women Wept, and met incredible people, most notably Captain Jack Harkness. Her previous wariness at the various aliens soon disappeared, and she looked on in wonder as she saw new things. However, her happiness seemed to be coming to an end when the Dalek emperor and thousands of Daleks wreaked havoc on Earth. Rose was sent back, but she refused to sit there and know that her Doctor was dying. She looked into the heart of the TARDIS, transporting her back to the future and the Doctor. She conquered the Daleks, saved the Doctor, and brought Jack back to life, making him immortal. However, this was killing her, and the Doctor took the vortex out of her by kissing her.

This caused him to regenerate, a younger looking man taking his place. Rose was wary of this stranger for some time, not believing him to be the Doctor and wanting him to change. Despite this, when he was ill after his regeneration, she took care of him. After he saved the Earth on board the Sycorax ship, she had no doubt that this was the same man she knew and loved. She travelled with him, having more adventures, and enjoying being with this man who appeared to be more lighter and happier than her first Doctor. She lost Mickey to a parallel world when they encountered the Cybermen, and met an alternate version of her father, causing her more upset when he refused to accept her. Her trip to the fifties included disaster, but all was right in the end when she was reunited with the Doctor. This led them to the Sanctuary Base which would change both their lives, and eventually they came to Canary Wharf, where a battle between the Daleks and the Cybermen tore them apart.

After joining her alternate version of Torchwood, Rose began to build a Dimension Canon, which one day worked. She crossed dimensions to warn the Doctor about the oncoming darkness, allowing them to reunite once more. However, this ended in there being two Doctor's, one being similar to her first Doctor after the Time Lord, because he had one again commited genocide. After admitting he loved her on Bad Wolf Bay, Rose gave him a long awaited kiss, starting of a once rocky, but now very stable relationship. After a year of being together, on her 24th birthday, the now human Doctor proposed, and a year later they were married. Now, at the age of 26, she's is one month pregnant with their first child.

PB: Billie Piper
LJ:  defender_rose
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