She made me do it

Apr 15, 2009 08:46

Quickie update and some loverly linkyloos

I'm trying to finish up with this cold, but it apparently not done with me. I feel ok, although I'm still coughing here and there and still sniffly. But I have lost my voice at work the last two nights. And I push it because, well, I'm at work and I have to talk because my co-irkers are not on twitter, so then my throat hurts from the struggling to speak. Fortch, today is my day off so I can rest my voice a bit. I might have to im with my kids. lolz.

I rearranged the living room furniture this weekend. I like it a lot. It's like having a whole new room. We ditched one beat up armchair and we are going to toss the old couch and get a new smaller loveseat when the $$ comes. oh, teh $$. I'm taking a loan out on my tsp (like a 401K) to pay down my student loans. Just makes sense since I can then repay *myself* at a lower interest rate. Plus, we be broke and we need to have some cash to pay property taxes in a couple of months.

My mom spent a week looking at houses and towns and neighborhoods in the Raleigh-Durham NC area. She picked up magazines and prochures galore and mailed them to me (too much for her carryon luggage). So I have a giant box of stuff to go through. I'm pretty excited about that. House pr0n!

My in-laws are coming. I don't want to talk about it.

lookit my links:

Apron Giveaway!

Mama Nature makes the alphabet

Cool movies for kids on how the human body works

That Britain's Got Talent video everyone is linking
  I have now seen it 5 times and cried every time.

Song Around the World:  One Love
  great international music project

I haven't watched this weeks House yet, although I saw the sreencaps and read the community comments so I know what happens.  I want to carve an hour out to watch and enjoy it when things are quiet and calm around here.  Probably won't happen until Friday night.

New WoW patch and I'm stoked for the dual speccing.  I see a lot of gaming in my weekend.  :)

So, how's by you?

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