A little random for your Thursday

Jan 15, 2009 08:14

I have been working on a post about feminism and motherhood for, of, the last few days now.  It's still not done.  I'm going to try and finish it up today, though.  It's a meme of sorts, and I have read other's answers and so I'm having trouble not co-opting their language.  Arwyn, especially, had some really spot-on answers to the questions.  Anyway, yeah, I'm publicly committing to having it up by tomorrow.

I started the second teal blue sock and forgot to turn the fucking heel.  So today I must frog about 4 inches of "foot".  Dagnabit.  I did watch some tutorials on knitting two socks at once on 2 sets of circulars and it looks really interesting.  I think I'm going to buy some new circulars and sock yarn and give it a whirl.  If you have circular needles you absolutely adore, please share the names and retailers in a comment.  :)

It's snowing today.  I hope ti stops and is cleaned up by the time I have to go to work.  Work, btw, has sucked donkey ass lately.  One of the main components of our IT is down so we have been basically sitting around all night telling dirty jokes and knitting.  That's your tax dollars hard at work, you Americans on my f-list.  No worries, tho, everying should be back up and running in about 4 weeks.  Fast enough for government work!

Rob and I are playing a lot of WoW lately.  We have joined a guild run by my friend Jyn and her husband.  There are a few couples in the guild, and ninjakoi just joined, as well as one or two other from Funkytown.  It's been fun to play and get to know everyone and hear peops voices over vent.  And Rob and I make an awesome team.  We've manage to get to lvl 42 in just a few weeks.  I'm even wanting to learn to pvp.  Well, maybe.

There are some things going on over at the old commune that have me rethinking the amount of time and energy I want to continue to put into the place.  I have been advocating for something and all my words and effort have fallen on deaf ears and it's beyond frustrating.  Anyway, don't be surprised to see my name go from purple back to orange or maybe even green.

This has been a boring update.  I feel like I should add something salacious to reward you for getting to the end.  Oh, how about some gorgeous Keely Shaye Smith??  She's so beautiful.  I was looking for pics from this years Golden Globes but didn't find any.  No matter.  How much hotter is Pierce Brosnan to you now that you know if wife is fat and hot?  Oh, she was also did a good bit of NIP and talking about breastfeeding when her son was a baby.  And now she talks about sizism and body image.  All while being smoking hot.  :)

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