Commemoration - DADT

Sep 20, 2011 17:40

Star Trek

"Captain, you appear preoccupied." Spock's tone of voice could not be called concerned, precisely, yet it was sufficient to bring Jim back from whatever he was reading.

His lips twitched, though Spock lacked sufficient data to determine if that was in amusement or some other emotional state.

"Just remembering the date, Mr. Spock."

"September twentieth?" He could hear his friend's eyebrow rising, though he didn't raise his head to confirm.

"Two hundred years ago on this date, in the old US, discrimination against homosexuality in military personnel was repealed." He met his first officer's eyes, a thousand conversations happening in a blink. "Have to say I'm pretty damn grateful for that."

Spock inclined his head. Jim knew the sense of gratitude was more than mutual.



"That faggot has no place in the Corps! I won't have him back in my unit."

A hand forced the irate commander back into his chair, on his side of the interrogation table.

"Which is why you ordered other members of your unit to, how did you put it, dissuade him from returning?" Gibbs slammed his fist down on the table, making the other man jump. "I'll tell you what we don't need in the Corps -- bigoted disgraces like you." He smiled coldly. "And the Corps will survive without you."

Gibbs left the interrogation room, taking the bag of ice that DiNozzo wordlessly offered to him. "The joke is on him, Boss," he said, a nasty smirk coming onto his face. "The policy expires today."

"About damned time." Gibbs wouldn't waste any more energy on the idiot his team had busted. He would, however, be checking up on the unfortunate corporal whom the commander had attacked -- assuming DiNozzo didn't beat him to it.

Semper Fi, indeed.


my drabbles, star trek, meta, ncis, my fics

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